Monday, December 29, 2008

Chillin with my kiddies!

I wish I was able to spend some more time with the Leaver kids, but I don't get much time anymore. However I did go spend an evening with them the other night and we had fun times with the camera. I love these kids. They're the closest things I'll have to my own so I like to spoil them and love on them. I must say my name is so much cuter when Lucas says it. I'll be so sad when he doesn't say Jernine anymore. He's actually said it right a few times. Here are a few pics of our fun time.

School's Cool

So I love teaching, and my class is great. I just taught them the chapter on Tricology, which is the study of hair... fitting right? Well as one of their assignments I wanted them to either draw, or build me a model of the structure of a hair strand. This is what one looks like from our book. I knew they would all do a good job, but I was even more impressed than I thought I would be. Take a look below at some of their work.

The one on the front left is made out of a cake. The cuticle is graham crackers.

What do you think? Didn't they do a great job. I think so!

Time to catch up!

I've loved this week. It's been so AWESOME, being home for the Christmas holiday, and having nothing...I repeat nothing pressing to do. I'll be honest, I've mainly been sleeping. Who says you can never catch up on sleep? Now that I have a bit of time I thought I'd catch up on what's been going on. So the next few posts will be a little catching up!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Been too Busy to Blog

***Disclaimer- I'm in no way complaining***

This is my life lately. Salon, School, Home, repeat. Some days it's Salon, School, Salon, Home. It's Sunday night, and I still have shows on my Tivo from last Monday. I love my jobs and I'm so grateful I have them, I know right now a lot of people are losing theirs right and left. Been there done that. So I'm happy I'm busy, but if my blogs get few and far between, that is why. I saw my kids this weekend and it had been so long since I've seen them. They said "Jernine, where have you been, we've missed you." I know adorable huh. They wanted me to stay for a week. I did too, but it's not to be right now. Anyhow, that's my life, in a nutshell. Hope every body's holiday is Hap-hap-hap-happy!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Under Pressure

"Pressure, pushing down on you pressing down on me, no man ask for. Under pressure, that burns a building down, splits a family in two, puts people on the street....It's the terror of knowing what the world is about, watching some good friend screaming "let me out" pray tomorrow, gets me higher....." - David Bowie

Have you ever had one of those days? Holy crap today was one of those for me. I worked at the school and it seemed to be one crazy thing after another. I love teaching, but sometimes it gets frustrating when the students don't do what they're told, don't follow the rules, so I'm the bad guy for enforcing them. They knew these rules coming into the school. Plus I'm flabbergasted when they say "man I have a color and cut today, I don't want to do that." My reply to them is "Then why are you here? This is what you're trained to do." I don't want to be the hard a**, but I will be. I'm not going to allow the students to break the rules, because it hinders their growth and professionalism. It's all silly. But by the end of the day, I truly felt like a basket case.