Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yes Elliet...there is a pegasus

So for the 2 of you...myself included; that read my blog, you'll know that I promised Elliet for her birthday a pegasus... What did I get myself into? Where on earth was I going to find a pegasus?

Well at the beginning of the month I was telling my friend, Beca about this as we were heading to Target, saying how I need to find a pegasus, or I'm going to crush one 6-year-olds spirit...and I refuse to do that. I went in the toy section not expecting much and after looking and looking and kicking myself for ever promising such a thing, Beca calls my name and......(cue the choiring angels) holds up this...... How perfect is that?

Now it's not cute in any sense of the word, but Elliet wanted a pegasus, and what sort of fake Aunt would I be if I didn't deliver. By the way I found this in the stuffed version as well! I'm AWESOME.... Okay and Beca gets credit for finding it in the first place. Now everyone can be HAAPPPPPYYY!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who needs sleep

Last night...early this morning...2 a.m. 3 a.m... Will the madness never stop!
While I was watching the minutes tick away along with my sanity there were a few things I learned from a bout of insomnia.... 5 things in fact
  1. The only thing that late night TV advertises is Viagra and male enhancement medications-- Are the only people that aren't sleeping me and men with inferiority complexes?
  2. I kick butt at online family feud!--Let me say this is one game show I would clean up on...survey says.....Jackpot
  3. When you are sleep deprived Big is a really funny movie.-- I don't know if I was just really tired, but Tom Hanks had me cracking up. Don't worry I was laughing quietly, I wouldn't want my Nazi roommate to tell on me.
  4. No matter what they say, there is no such thing as a quiet hamster wheel.--When I bought one for my little guys it claimed to be noise free.... yeah right... I demand a refund.. Oh and a side note on that.... hamsters are indeed nocturnal
  5. Last but not least, on a normal day I wake up entirely too early.--I forgot to turn off my alarm... so when it went off at an inhumane hour of 4:45, I thought I truly am masochistic.

Ani Difranco

On my last visit home, my sis Jess and I went to the Ani Difranco concert. It was a good concert. Jess is a big fan and introduced me to her, and I've become a fan as well. Now being a female singer a lot of her song lyrics are filled with female angst and they're all about girl power, but below are lyrics to a new song of hers and I really liked it because they're so happy! Anyhoo, The evening was a lot of fun and it was awesome to spend time with my sister and one of my best friends! It's good to have some one on one sister time!

Smiling Underneath

i don't mind waiting in line no no
i don't mind if the bills pile up and the work is slow
i don't mind the gas or the groceries or the grind
as long as I'm with you I'm having a good time

i don't mind the stoner waiter or the poorly cooked food
i don't mind little miss kitty or her knuckle-head dude
i don't mind if every last person here is ugly and rude
as long as I'm with you i have good attitude
as long as I'm with you

we could be stuck in traffic for over a week
with a car full of quintuplets who are all cutting teeth
around my neck could be a flaming Christmas wreath
and I'd be smiling under smiling underneath

i don't mind waking up early for a flight that's delayed
i don't mind a week's vacation was chilly and grey
i don't mind the traffic cops or the TSA
as long as I'm with you I'm having a good day
as long as I'm with you

i don't mind spilling my hot sauce onto my white shirt
i don't mind the twinge when i walk in that knee that i hurt
i don't mind if my gums are peeling back or my hair getting thin
as long as I'm with you i win
as long as I'm with you

we could be stuck in traffic for over a week
with a car full of quintuplets who are all cutting teeth
around my neck could be a flaming Christmas wreath
and I'd be smiling under smiling under smiling underneath

Friday, July 18, 2008

Now this is gross (Not for weak stomach's)

WARNING: This is a little "hairy"
I came across this awhile ago, and it still shocks me. But this 18-year-old girl was complaining of stomach pains, abdominal swelling, and throwing up after eating resulting in a 40 lb. weight loss, after about 5 months of this, doctors went exploring and discovered a huge mass taking up almost her whole stomach.. What was it you ask?.......A TEN POUND HAIR BALL. You read that right! This girl had a condition called trichophagia; it's when you eat your own hair. This big hairball is the result of 18 years of eating hair. Now I don't eat hair but I often wonder how much hair I've ingested over the years of working in a salon. This picture makes me wonder what's brewing inside me, but as a hairstylist I beg and plead with you all not to do this. The weight loss isn't worth it I promise you that. Feel free to post your comments below!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can you say HOTTT!!!!

Okay I never thought I'd be one that got starstruck but I must admit, I was like a giddy school girl....let me explain.

When I went home for Christmas I went with some friends to Squatters, for lunch, where my sis Jess works. She has a few regulars, one of them being a man named John I believe (I could totally be wrong). His son is hunky movie star Matt Davis. He was Warner on Legally Blonde and He was on Blue Crush. I've always thought he was hot, but when I saw him at Squatters that day my heart instantly started beating faster. My sister and him a friends and she introduced us, and I don't think I acted like a fool, but I can't make promises. Anyway regardless of how I acted, I wasn't thinking clearly and didn't get a picture taken with him, and could have punched myself for not doing so, but my sister saved the day and took one later. So thanks Jess. Now I can swoon! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Christmas Madness

You know those people who tell you...scratch that brag to you, that they're done with their Christmas shopping in August? You all know at least 1 person right? I hear that all the time, and I always think "umm... you're crazy" when inwardly I'm full of jealousy. I'm one of those last minute stress shoppers, the kind that get so frustrated and can't really enjoy the holiday's. Then if I do get a great idea, it's always last minute and I can never find the "great idea" I had in the store at all. AARRGGGHHH! I've heard at least 3 times in the last few weeks "the year is half over" and "Christmas is 6 months away, right around the corner." I'm like.... yeah.... so..... I think I work next Saturday but I'm not sure. Bottom line is every year I have these amazing intentions to plan ahead, and every year I'm one of those last minute shoppers.
So here's the thing, I actually have a few ideas for presents this year! Now the hope is to remember them for 6 whole long months. My hope is by posting this blog, I'll remember those ideas, and not talk myself out of them..... Oh... and PS, this is in NO WAY bragging. I will stay humbled by this brief and unusual streak of..... brilliance??

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Do yourself a favor

I listen to Adam Carolla in the mornings, and every now and then he has a segment called "Do Yourself a Favor", in which he advises his listeners to try things that have made his life easier or better. I realized I should do that as well, to well the masses of people that read my blog....all 1 of me! :)
So my first entry in Do yourself a favor is....check out Psych. It's on the USA network. This TV show is so quick and funny. Not to mention that James Roday makes me weak in the knees. The season starts back up on Friday July 18th, also the 1st and 2nd seasons are available on DVD, so you have time to catch up....Trust'll thank me later!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Elvis & Princess Sofia?

Where do I begin? So in may when I was watching my favorite kids, I took them to a trip to the pet store, just to look at the cute puppies and much to my surprise we left with a cute little female hamster. We talked about what we were going to name this little girl and decided on Princess Sofia. I didn't realize at the time that a 5-year-old, and 2 4-year-olds, would have a hard time letting her go. I had planned on keeping her at my house, but after talking to Andrea, she said they'd give it a try. So they had her a little over a month, and even though we made a list of rules for the little girl kids will be kids, and they were a little rough.
In the meantime, I became a little attached and decided it was time for me to get a little furry friend, so I picked up Little Elvis, 2 days before I was asked to hamster sit Princess Sofia while the Leavers went out of town. I found out shortly after that it would be a permanent thing. I guess Sadie got to excited with Princess Sofia and the end result was Princess Sofia being thrown against the door and getting a bloody nose, and a serious case of the dizzies. So in 2 days I went from having no pets to 2 pets. That's not the most shocking part however....I found out I was deceived at the Pet store and Princess Sofia is in fact...a dude. Now what?
Luckily I can put the 2 guys in the same cage, and there will be no reproduction, and they are "fweinds", but the pickle I find myself in, is do I keep the name Princess Sofia? Give me some feedback.
Oh and while I'm a much bigger fan of Skinny Elvis, I'm afraid I've got myself a fat Elvis. He's twice the size of Princess Sofia, and quite the lazy thing. All he needs now is a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Give me your insight on the whole name change. I'd hate to have a hamster with gender issues.

(Elvis doing what he does best..eating) (Princess Sofia getting her drink on)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dad's Retirement Party

So my Dad retired in June, and I was able to go up to Utah for his retirement party.... I have to say that it was an amazing trip home, and the Party was so much fun. We were able to see a lot of friends that we haven't seen for a long time. Some of my Dad's high school friends showed up, and friends from our neighborhood and ward from years back also came to share this special time with us. How awesome is that. I must say after over 30 years of working in the school district my dad deserves to party, and what a party it was. Congrats Dad.
I'm so glad I was able to make it. I knew I'd have fun, because I would get to see my family and be there to support my Dad, but honestly I wasn't expecting to have as much fun as I did. It was good to visit family and friends, it was pretty nostalgic. It was such a fun weekend to go down memory lane with people, and meet some of the people from my parents past. Not to mention we had a ton of food. What can I say, no function is complete without food am I right? I'm sure my parents are still eating hamburgers and hot dogs, not watermelon though, because I pretty much took care of that when I was home. What can I say, I'm a sucker for good fruit..... um....wait, did that come out right.
I wish I had a few more pictures, but, Kaycee did take a few of these candid ones. In case u don't know, My Dad is the handsome one in the blue shirt.
All in all, the party and weekend was a big success. Food, good; company; good, and Dad had an awesome time. Done and done!
Now that he's retired, I sure hope that he finds the time to relax and have fun before he goes back to work, which of course he will. I know he probably has a list of "honey-do's" from my mom, but I don't think that will keep him from having a little fun. My Dad loves to play golf, ride his motorcycle and his new favorite thing to do is play with buddy (Okay so maybe that last one is Buddy's favorite thing to do).
First on their list is going on an Alaskan cruise. Good for them. I also hope he steals my mom away from her job every now and again, to get on the motorcycle and go. Hey retirement doesn't mean being old. They stay young and that is just fine with me! Congrats again Dad. I love ya like crazy!

(Mom & Dad in Hawaii on their motorcycle, those young, crazy kids).