Sunday, December 7, 2008

Under Pressure

"Pressure, pushing down on you pressing down on me, no man ask for. Under pressure, that burns a building down, splits a family in two, puts people on the street....It's the terror of knowing what the world is about, watching some good friend screaming "let me out" pray tomorrow, gets me higher....." - David Bowie

Have you ever had one of those days? Holy crap today was one of those for me. I worked at the school and it seemed to be one crazy thing after another. I love teaching, but sometimes it gets frustrating when the students don't do what they're told, don't follow the rules, so I'm the bad guy for enforcing them. They knew these rules coming into the school. Plus I'm flabbergasted when they say "man I have a color and cut today, I don't want to do that." My reply to them is "Then why are you here? This is what you're trained to do." I don't want to be the hard a**, but I will be. I'm not going to allow the students to break the rules, because it hinders their growth and professionalism. It's all silly. But by the end of the day, I truly felt like a basket case.


Amberlee said...

You can order them online, but my rep told me that they are cheaper at shows, if you know what you want and everything I can get it for you, are you coming for Christmas?

Laura said...

ya you've got a rough job! I remember saying dang it I don't want to do this cut and color because I was scared and no one was there to help me so I felt like whelp here it goes lets hope it turns out. But if you were my teacher I wouldn't have had a problem! Those kids can come to you for help!