Monday, December 21, 2009

Super long drought

Ummmm.......oops?! I have to admit, I sort of forgot I actually have a blog. There are so many social networking thingy's with Facebook and twitter, and all iphone compatible, it's easy to forget about the blog. My bad, I'm sure only my blog, and the cute template miss me but whatev's. So what's new with me you ask? A whole lot of.....the same. Woo woo. I have a new class, they started on the 7Th of December. I have a smaller class of 13, which I love. I'm having an easier time teaching, and giving them one-on-one attention which makes things much easier. This is now my 3rd freshman class and each time I feel like I do a better job, by preparing them to go into the student salon and take clients, so I guess I'm doing something right....Or the students are just better learners.....ah forget it I'm going to take the credit! :)
I'm afraid with my work schedule my social life has become even more non-existent, but I am having a love affair with Steve-o my tivo. It's okay I've accepted my pathetic life, and embraced my T.V. boyfriends. Simon Baker, I love you!!!! But that's what I end up with when I work until 10 on the weekday's and every Saturday. I'm pooped, and have a full tivo. Still one of my best presents ever. THANK YOU ANDREA AND SCOTT!
I had my carpel tunnel release on my right hand in September, but my elbow is still giving me problems and I want it as bionic as my left arm, so tomorrow I go under the knife again. I'm beginning to wonder if Dr. Delicious has a little crushy-crush on me, as much as I have on him. (I know pathetic, but the first step is admitting the problem right?) Anyhow I digress... What I'm going to have done is called a cubital tunnel release. There is a nerve that runs right down your elbow, and sometimes a tendon will press down and cause numbness, much like hitting your funny bone, but I've had that numb sensation now since September. Not fun. So it's a simple procedure to snip that tendon that presses on the nerve, and possibly move my nerve around so no more numbness, since it's been a constant tingle in my pinkie and ring finger.
I must say I am ready to have a few weeks off for the holiday. As of tonight I will be officially off work until the new year. Yay!!!

Oh and P.S. Is he not the cutest thing ever? I had to post this in his U of U red. His blood bleeds red.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Summer Lovin'

So this week has been a weird catch up week. I flew from SLC, to Las Vegas and had to immediately go to a training. I'll be honest, the training was blah, at best. But I need those continuing ed classes for my license. Which I am now an official Cosmetology instructor instead of a Provisional instructor. Which means, I am happy to say a major pay raise. At school my students are finishing up a module so I've been doing some practical testing, and some students have been having a few melt-downs, but nothing too crazy.

My bestie Josh called and said he was driving to Las Vegas to go on some auditions so he was going to be here for the weekend. YAY! I love catching up with Josh. We pick up where we left off without a hitch. It's as if we talk everyday, even though sometimes it's months in between. Well then he called and said he thinks he's going to move to NYC, to try to make it work in acting. This is so typical of Josh. I really wish I was more like him. He's one of these people that just takes the leap, I'm so happy for him. I called Jen to see if she could get him a buddy pass to fly to New York rather cheaply and he's at the airport as I blog seeing if he could get on a flight. I sure hope it works out. GOOD LUCK JOSHY!

Last night we went to dinner and went to see "500 days of Summer." I heard this was good, but most people told me to rent it. However Josh and I have twin taste in movies and he LOVED it so we went. Gratefully I had 2 free passes that I've had since Christmas and we were able to use them. Can I just say I LOVED this movie. The music alone was awesome, but I loved the story of it. It wasn't your typical love story and that was the appeal to me. I'm not a fan of the saccharin sweet Hollywood endings. Life just isn't like that. Call me a cynic, I consider myself a realist and sometimes things aren't cookie cutter perfect. That's what I loved about it. It was, as I love to put it, tragically wonderful. I recommend it. You might not want to pay full price, but if you get the chance to see it, please do. To me it was a happy movie, and did I mention the music is awesome. I went home and immediately downloaded the album, from my wonderful cheap mp3 sight, that I get full albums for fifty cents. Yup you read that right a half a dollar.

Anyhow this week was good. It was awesome seeing Josh, I've started my diet and have lost 7lbs. I went to work and my hand is doing better, things are good. Next week is a start of a new module for my students and fun times. Cannot wait.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My apologies

Jess told me last night that I haven't posted something in quite some time, so for my fan(s) out there I do apologize. I watched "Julie & Julia" yesterday and it didn't inspire me to cook or to eat, but it did inspire me to blog more. So I will do better. In my defense, the reason I haven't been blogging is a simple and boring one, I have nothing interesting to write about. My life has become work, TV, sleep. Yes in that order. I wish I could sleep more but it just doesn't come naturally for me. Melatonin has become a close friend of mine, and that helps some, but it doesn't change my crazy dreams which I still have all the time. I should start blogging about them, because my subconscious self has a very busy and interesting life. However, my subconscious self also is rittled with tragedy. So i'm not sure it's worth the trade.

I am happy to report that I flew to Utah for the long weekend and didn't miss any flights. Woo~ woo~. That always makes the weekend better am I right?! Anyhow, I am going to make a little goal to post during September at least twice a week, so bare with

P.S. For those facebookers that read this please welcome Jess and Dave Means to our favorite site and add them as your friend. Thanks. H's & k's

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Round 2

So next Thursday the 27th I'm going in to have a carpal tunnel release on my right hand. My left hand did so well that my right hand was jealous. For those of you that aren't familiar with what carpal tunnel is or what they do, I found this picture that is very helpful. There is a tunnel that a nerve travels through. There are 9 tendons that surround the nerve, and a ligament that sits on top of the nerve. With carpal tunnel syndrome the ligament presses down on the nerve, causing discomfort, pain and numbness. For a carpal tunnel release, they just cut a slit in the ligament, releasing pressure off of the nerve. So there folks is a quick lesson for you.

In other completely trivial news, is it sad to say that my life revolves around my new T.V. shows....Never mind don't answer that. I am certainly "psyched" that "Psych" is back on. It will be interesting to note, that James Roday, is a leading star, in quite a few of my bizarre dreams. So I can't wait to see how many more dreams he turns up in. I think it's safe to say I heart him big time. With the summer also comes my summer obsession of "Big Brother". This is like a social experiment gone bad. I can't stop watching. I really am not a fan of any of the people on it. But it just is amazing how they behave in confined quarters. What can I's addictive. That's about all for now. If you don't hear from me for awhile, it's because I can't really type.....or I'm just lazy.....or both. Peace out, yo!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Here I go again

I'm not sure why I even keep a blog anymore, my posts are few and far between. Here it goes. My new class of 26 students has been going smoothly. We are starting week four and they've been really great. My hand has healed beautifully. No more numbness, no more pain. Wonderful. YAY. I'm getting ready to take the instructors test. Long overdue. I should have in March but I'll be taking it next week. So that comes with a pay increase. About time!!! Other than that, it's been the same boring stuff. I guess that's why I'm not posting as much. Hopefully I'll post more interesting things later.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Time to catch up!

I know it's been forever, June came and went with nary a post, so I'm going to catch up for this whole month. A lot has happened. I'll just give the headlines:

I had hand and elbow surgery. Carpal tunnel, tendinitis in my thumb and a nasty nerve in my elbow has gotten the better of me, so I had to have some surgery. That happened the Wednesday after Memorial Day. Mom and Dad came down to Vegas to take care of me. They had this killer condo, and it was an awesome place to rest and recover. I was in a sling for awhile, and it's still a little stiff and sore, but at least I'm in no pain and there is no numbness. While my parents were here we went to Cirque Du Soliel The "O" Show. It was awesome! I saw it in 2000 with Josh but it was just as amazing. My parents loved it and I had a great time with them, even if I was a little uncomfortable.

I was able to see on of my besties Josh. I haven't seen him forever, and it was great to catch up and take in a movie, that's our favorite thing to do so it was like the good old days.

School.. So it's a little crazy right now. Every few modules (a module is 10 weeks) we switch classes. I've had my current class for 3 modules. I've been their teacher since they've started. I taught them all through freshman and the first 10 weeks they were on the floor. It's been so great to see how they've progressed, but we had to move on. I took them on a field trip to the bodies exhibit. We had recently finished the Anatomy chapter, so it was great to go and see all the bones, muscles and nerves. It was a great evening, and a awesome way to end our time together. I now have a new freshman class of (gulp) 25 students. My new class has more students then the 3 previous classes combined. They started Monday, and so far it's gone pretty well. It will be nice to have some "greenies" again.

I know it doesn't seem like a lot. I can sum up a month in 3 paragraphs, but like I said just the headlines. I left out all the negative craziness. I don't want to dwell on that. Hopefully now that things have mellowed out I'll post more often. But that's about it. July here I come.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I saw this, and had to share....A few things ran through my head as I saw this picture (besides the burning of my eyes to view such a sight) 1: Does this man not have friends that would tell him "dude...cut your hair" 2: This guy has to cut his own hair because I'm offended not only as a human but as a hairstylist as well and would NEVER give this haircut. I'd refuse first. 3: Is this man blind.....does he live on a blind colony? Because that would be his only reason for this....then again he does have a brush....actually, I don't think he does. In case there is any question out there this is a big Hair DON'T!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another overdue post.

This is a late Happy Mothers Day post, dedicated to all mothers out there, but especially to my mother, who is the best mother out there. (Okay so I may be biased). She is the most loving, compassionate, and giving person I know. I know that she has shared just as many tears for me, as I have for myself. She's praised my accomplishments and cried with me through my trials. She has been a teacher, nurturer, role model and most of all best friend. I love her for her kindness, and service she gives others, her testimony is beautiful and strong, and sometimes it even buoys me up. She has made me who I am, there are things that I have inherited from her, for instance: she is crafty and creative, and I inherited that ability. The way she cooks; she reads a recipe and then does whatever she wants, and so do I. She is very loving and accepting of all, and I hope I have inherited that....I'm working on it.
Some things I definitely haven't inherited from her: Her amazing ability to sleep, I wish I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat like my mom, however, I'm afraid I take after my Dad on that one; My mom has an ability to save.....EVERYTHING. :) I'm afraid I throw everything away, sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes a bad thing. (I've had a few close calls thinking I threw my social security card away). The other thing is my mom is very forgiving, and humble. I'm afraid I'm stubborn,and bull headed. I just hope that I'll someday be just like her. I love you mom. Happy Mothers Day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This post is way overdue

So I've been crazy busy lately and realized I'm behind on the blogs that I've really wanted to post so this is going to be out of date.....however, last month I celebrated my birthday with my favorite birthday buddy; my sister Jessica. When people find out I share my birthday with my sister they always ask if I like that or make some negative comment like "that would suck having to share my birthday." I have to disagree. I'm sure that when I was younger I didn't love it, but I can't remember. The one birthday that I spent without her was the worst of my life. I don't know if our shared birthday has given us a bond, (it might be because we're both Aries), or if our parents just raised us right so all three of us girls are super close, (probably that), but my life would be far less meaningful without her in it. These are some of the things I love the most about Jess:
1: As shown by this picture she's always ready to pose for a camera, if not only just to give us a laugh.
2: She is probably one of the only ones that can make me laugh when I'm feeling blue.
3: She has some of the funniest flippant remarks about things. Sometimes a little off the wall or tongue in cheek, but I love it.
4: I always feel I can call her with any problem I have, big or small, and she would drop everything to listen to me.
5: We have the same taste in music, movies, T.V. (well some T.V.--she was disgusted when she found out I watched Rock of Love), and have some awesome memories of great concerts that we've been to together.
Those are just a few, because if I mentioned some of the other ones she might get embarrassed. For those of you that know Jess, you know what I'm talking about, and for those of you that don't know her... trust me, you're missing out. I love you Jecky, you're the bestest birthday buddy ever.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

No Hair Contest--PLEASE READ!

At the end of my students freshman module they have an assignment where they are suppose to do a "hair-style" without using hair. They take their "Samuel" Mannequin that they have shaved bald and create a masterpiece without the use of actual hair. The idea is to be as creative as possible. Afterward the whole school votes for their 3 favorite. Well let me tell you they took this assignment to heart. I was blown away by the creativity that I had to share with all the awesome pictures. I wish the pictures did them justice, unfortunately they don't show the actual waterfall of one and the fact that on the scuba-diver there are actual fish floating around in the head. Please leave your comments and let me know what you think. I'd love to share them with my class. My students have since advanced to juniors and now are taking clients on the clinic floor. They have made this teacher proud. Good job ladies.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bizarro Birthday

So this 29th birthday of mine has not started out very smooth. I was planning on going home for none and my sissy's birthday. My parents had used some of their sky miles to get me a plane ticket so I was set. However... I had a meeting Thursday night at work, and while they are only suppose to be 30 minutes this one lasted an hour and a half. As a result I missed my flight and ended up needing to purchase a new ticked for $150 on another airline. (thanks mom and dad). Believe me I was not a happy birthday girl that night in the airport, words were said and tears were shed. I just wanted to get out of vegas and wanted to immediatly. After that debacle was over with, it was smooth sailing... For awhile. But Sunday I just had to feel the need to update my iTunes and I crashed my harddrive. Enter dave the computer nerd. Right now he has my computer and is trying to fix it but we'll see. Then to top it off I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight. Yup you guessed it I missed my flight back to vegas. I got here in plenty of time but I thought my flight left at 852 when it left at 826 and I was having a personal problem that was not going to take care of itself in a quick fashion. So I get to my gate at 822 and they wouldn't let me on. Luckily they were nice and I didn't have to pay extra for a new flight. Needless to say this 29th year isn't starting out great. Hopfully that doesn't speak for the rest of the year. Next 29th birthday better be good.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I really should be blogging about my trip to Anaheim for the design team competition, but that will have to wait. I have to tell you about how awesome my class is and what they did for me tonight. They had a little Birthday party for me tonight. I won't be in class tomorrow because I switched shifts so I could go home for my actual B-day to spend with my family and b-day buddy Jess. So we're in class and of my students brings in this cake. How awesome is this. She made this cake for me complete with a mini version of me on top. How adorable is that? Not to mention DELICIOUS. It was chocolate mousse on the bottom and Red Velvet on top. Say it with me now.... YUMMMMY! Then they got pizza and salad for the night. To top it off, my boss Kristie came in and informed all of us, that I will be staying with my class for one more module. YAY! I love these girls. I had to add a picture of us all. They're so great, and I felt so loved. Thanks girls you made my night! Side note, it does say Happy 29th Birthday. I told my class I was 29, and told them I was turning 29. It's kind of our joke. I loved it! :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Heroes

I want to take a few minutes to just share with all those who will read this just how lucky I am to have the BEST parents ever. Right now seems like a fitting time to mention how great they are. My Mom's Birthday was on the 14th and she is AMAZING. She's one of my best friends and always my shoulder to cry on. I love her so much and I am constantly reminded by her how much I mean to her, and just how valuable I am. When I don't believe in myself she still believes in me, and it's great to know that I am significant to someone. So Mom I love you and I'm so grateful for you!
My Dad is INCREDIBLE. Last Sunday he was released from being the Bishop of his ward. He had been the Bishop for almost 6 years. To see the love and concern he had for his ward was AWEsome. I have so much love and respect for him, and the commitment he had to the ward. He was truly called of God to lead the ward for that time and he did so with inspiration. I'm so lucky to have a father that holds the Priesthood does so righteously.
I love my parents so much. They raised me right. I've always felt loved and taken care of. We are a close family and that is entirely because of the love and respect they have given their children, and each other. Mom and Dad, I love you!!! Thank you for being the best folks a girl could hope for! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's been awhile

I am still here, just been crazy busy. I had the chance to go home last weekend for my mom's birthday. It had been since Christmas since I had been home so it was a long overdue trip. My mom surprised me and on Saturday my Mom, Dad and I went to The Hale Center Theater and saw the play "All Shook Up." It was a play filled with all of Elvis's hit songs. 2+ hours of Elvis songs..... Yes please. Not to mention it was really good being just a small Theater company. What fun. Unfortunately the weekend was far to short, and in the blink of an eye I was heading back to Vegas. It was fun and relaxing however and I loved hanging with the family. I've also been re-watching one of the best TV shows that ever graced the airwaves. Veronica Mars. If you've never watched this TV show before do yourself a favor and rent it, you'll thank me later. Such quick wit. LOVE IT! Anyhow here I am. No need to send out a search party! :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Rant of the day

The Last few weeks have been a blur. I've been a busy little bee. We've had some crazy things that have happened at work, least of which is my broken hand. For any that are wondering, luckily I don't need a cast the break was very minimal, however the pain hasn't gotten any better, and now they are afraid something is wrong with my tendon, so I need to go in for an MRI. Such is life, but I digress. On 2 separate occasions we've needed to call the paramedics and have 2 different teachers taken to the hospital, needless to say I've been doing a lot of covering of shifts, and working extra hours, which I'm more than willing to do considering these instructors don't just have a case of the sniffles. Here's where my rant comes in. It seems there are only a few teachers that are willing to help carry the weight, and some are bugged when they are asked to work even 5 more hours a week, bringing their total hours to a whopping 40 hours. (That's not even overtime, right?) So what is their excuse? "I have a family....It's easy for Jeannine to work extra, she doesn't have a family." So my question is because I don't have a husband, boyfriend or children does that make my life insignificant? Maybe I wouldn't be upset if I was only working a few hours extra, but 1: I'm doing a good 10 hours overtime, and 2: These instructors need coverage. It's literally a life and death situation.... (Oh and P.S. I have a family, what do you think I was created in a petri dish? Or maybe I'm a robot?) Why can't people help a little? These same people get angry when people won't cover for them because they "aren't feeling well." Needless to say sleep for me has been futile. It's hard to get off work at 10:30 and turn around and go to work at 8:00 a.m. If anyone knows me well, they know that I'm a cranky girl in the morning. Sleep doesn't come easy for me in the first place and knowing I have to be to work early, when I get off work late, makes it hard to sleep. However there is an AWESOME silver lining. Tomorrow I don't have to be to work until 4:30. That means I can sleep in a little, do some much overdue laundry, and, run some long overdue errands. First on my To-do list....face the music, and head back to weight watchers. It's going to be a sad day tomorrow, but I'm ready for that commitment again. Enough of this rant, the teachers will be back tomorrow, and maybe we should consider blessing our building, since I'm starting to wonder if it was built on an Indian burial ground. :) Forgive my brief negativity. Next blog it's going to be about our awesome design team try-outs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pay it forward!!!!

So, here's how this game works-the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive, at some point during the year, a handmade gift from me. What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well. Before you leave your comment, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going (or be lazy and copy and paste like I did). Then come back, let me know you're going to play (either leave me your email in the comment or email me with your address ) and sit back and anticipate the arrival of your gift! Remember, only the first three get a gift, so you have to be super fast!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday was a bad, bad, day!

Have I mentioned how badly I hate February? I wish we could have an 11 month year. Thursday took the cake. Wednesday night as I got home from work, I somehow managed to trip and land on the corner of the wall, left wrist first. Well Thursday morning it was in excruciating pain. I ended up going to quick care, and found out I broke a bone in my hand. It was so swollen that they didn't cast it, but wrapped it with a splint, advising me that I needed to come back in a week, get another x-ray to see if I needed to get a hard cast or not. Now of course this doesn't bode well for a hair stylist that needs to use BOTH of her hands, and being the stubborn girl that I am, I don't let anything dictate what I do, so naturally I've been still trying to do hair, which has made things worse. Well after quick care I ran to work, and wasn't able to take anything for the pain, so I'm cranky and in a ton of pain and emotional. Then at work I've been having some issues with a fellow teacher, and felt thrown under the bus. I won't get into details, but by the time I had left work, I had shed quite a few tears. So when I get home from work, I was ready for a long nights sleep, which never comes easily for me. But at 11:00 I get a text from Jon, asking me if I heard that my beloved Adam Carolla radio show had been cancelled.
I think that was the worst news of the day. I love that show. It's been my morning routine for almost 3 years. I enjoy the show so much that I podcast it to my ipod, and listen to the missed episodes. Needless to say, I feel lost now. By the end of the day I had had enough. So Adam, I'll miss you like crazy. Luckily he is doing his own podcast so it is a small glimmer of light, even if it's not quite the same.
On a brighter note, on Tuesday my wonderful class did something so amazing for me. I'm ashamed to say they were witness to some of my tears on Thursday, and they got me a wonderful card Thanking me for all I've done for them. They also got me a gift card to get a massage, and on top of that one of my students makes custom furniture, and her and her boss made a roll-about for me. It's SO nice. It's perfect for all my supplies. It was such a thoughtful thing for my class to do for me. I am so lucky to have these 13 women in my class. They are so awesome, and I don't feel like I deserve such a great class. So to my class THANK YOU! You've enriched my life so much!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Funk

I don't know if this is an actually medically diagnosed and recognized disorder, but I get this every year. My whole family does for that matter. Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to better weather and we're all sick of winter. Believe me even living in Las Vegas we do have winters, we actually got a bit of snow, but the weather has be bad and I'm just ready to get out of here. My family all feels the same way, and my parents try to take a vacation every Feb. Last year as a family we all went to Hawaii, and that was the perfect medication for our self-diagnosed condition. So last February I had Hawaii to look forward to and it sure did the trick. This year however nothing. Looking back on my Hawaii pictures got me a little homesick for it. (Yes I feel like it's a home away from home, away from that?)Anyhow even though it made me homesick it brought a grin to my face, and since I wasn't blogging last February I never put up Hawaii pictures. So here are a few for MY enjoyment. I hope you enjoy them as well. Oh Maui, how I miss ya!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Arrevaderci Diet Coke-y part deux-y

What can I say? I'm weak. I've had a crazy 2 weeks and caved. In my defense, who keeps their new years resolutions? In all reality, I didn't drink quite as much of that delicious substance as I usually did. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and I'm done.... again. I make no apologies for my slip, it was deserved. So there. Part of my slip up had to do with the massive case of insomnia I've had. I know what you're thinking, caffeine keeps you awake. I know, that's why I slipped. The insomnia came way before the diet coke. (Like oh 29 years maybe). I don't know? Mom, was I a good sleeper as a baby? Maybe I was and I got all my sleeping in during my formative years. Whatever the case may be, I will make a deal with the sandman.... I'll give up the Diet Coke, just PLEASE for the love of Sally give me a good nights sleep..... And if it's not asking too much a dreamless one would be a little more peaceful.... I don't need anymore dream/nightmares. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good Grief

Oh Charlie Brown, how I'm feelin' ya right about now. That phrase and his expression have never seemed more fitting. It just makes sense. The past few weeks have been super crazy. There was the day we had to evacuate the building at school because the Store below us got robbed and the students were a little rattled. An ambulance being called at work, students feeling stressed, and overwhelmed, and not to get too personal but feeling all to hormonal and emotional in the midst of this. MUST. CATCH. BREATH. I have to say however, I wake up every morning and enjoy going to my job. I love it. Challenges and all. Through all this craziness let's not forget that I've slept little, and it continues in my crazy, yet super real dreams. The kind that when you wake up you have to think about whether it was real or a dream. Not the kind that you're playing chess with Anderson Cooper and Peter Griffin, (yes that was one of my dreams). On more than one occasion, I was convinced that it was real. Then when I start to think about it, I realize there is no possible way that Shawn Spencer from the TV show "Psych" is in my class.... but it seemed so real.... You know what I'm talking about right? You're laughing because you relate, am I right?.... Please say yes. Anyhow what is real is I changed my hair and now it's black and purple. I call it my "hot bruise" do. So my hair is black, and I put a few purple extensions in it. (brown chicken brown cow...inside joke). It's like I'm the one in Cosmo school all over again. I love it. So that's about it for right now. I'm doing well, and I'll take every bit of the craziness, it's quite entertaining because like Michael Scott says..."There is such a thing as good grief, just ask Charlie Brown".....I'm not quite sure what that means.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My love/hate relationship(s).

As I've now been 2 weeks, Diet Coke free, I've been contemplating my love/hate relationship with that delicious, yet devious drink. I do love the stuff, but I hate the fact that I don't drink water, and that carbonation isn't very good for you. It made me think of other love/hate relationships that I have with a lot of other things.
I love/hate- my rainbow flip-flops. I love the way they make my feet feel. It's like they're giving my feet a hug. I hate that I can't wear them to work. It forces me to wear actual shoes, which I hate/hate.
I love/hate- music. I love the new, funky, indie music I find. I love the music I have for any mood I'm in. It can change, or enhance a mood, and I love it. I hate what some would call "music", country music isn't music it's whining. Hip-hop or pop music is really just a synthesizer working overtime. This is my honest, (and right) opinion. :)
I love/hate- movies. I love them because it's so fun to escape reality isn't it? Plus it is SO much fun to watch a good looking man on the big screen. Comedy, Drama, Suspense, it's all great. I hate them because a good majority of movies suck big time, and I hate when I pay $10 to see a pile of junk that I could have done better crapping out! Not to mention some of the actors get paid piles of money to pretty much phone in their lines. I can't believe some of the movies they green-light.
I love/hate- modern technology. By this I mean the following: My car, cell-phone, computer, ipod, and tivo. Man do they make my life easier, and better. I hate how dependent I am on them. My car: takes me where I need to go, but I do have to fight with traffic, and take care of maintenance, which isn't easy. What would I do without my cell-phone, I actually have a panic attack if I leave it home. I love my computer, but I sure do spend a lot of time on it which I hate. I don't know what I did without my ipod, but I hate when it crashes, or freezes up. Finally, my tivo, is amazing. Thank goodness I have it to watch all my MANY TV shows, what would I do without you. But I hate, how much TV I watch because of it. Like I said Way to dependent on these things. But thank goodness for them.
Last but not least... I love/hate- animals. They bring so much joy to us. Buddy makes me laugh like crazy, and even the roadies (Elvis and Princess Sofia) are entertaining, but I hate them because we have to add birds to this category. I HATE BIRDS. I think they're awful. I mean come on they caused a plane crash. Yet another reason to hate birds. Can everyone just agree with me now. They crap on your car, your head, your freshly cleaned windows. They're a nuisance, and I promise you people they will peck your eyes out. I'm just sayin'......

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 Here I come

I used to be a goal oriented person, I don't know what happened to me, but It's time to become that person again I so miss. I have a few goals I want to accomplish they say if you don't write down a goal, it's only a wish. So here are just a few for 2009:

1. Arrevaderci Diet Coke-y:
While I love my delicious Diet Coke, I feel that I drink way too much of it. So I've bid Adieu to it. Hopefully that will help me drink more water, and help aide my weight loss goal.
2. Guess what.. it's lose weight, I haven't been going to the gym, shame on me, so I'm going to get my you know what in gear and drop those many unwanted lbs.
3. I got a fortune from a fortune cookie on New Years Eve that said something about getting out of debt or something like that, so that's a goal this year too.
4. I have a bunch of books that I've wanted to read. So that is my goal.

Hopefully I'll do well at it. Wish me luck.

Out with the Old, In with the New!!

I must say I'm not sad to see 2008 leave. Luckily the year ended on a good note, but looking at the year with a glass half empty approach, this year sort of sucked. Between losing friend, losing a job, and just about losing my mind, yeah I'll say I'm glad it's bye bye to 2008. Here are a few things I learned, about myself mainly:

1: Most people think my music taste is as they would put it "peculiar".... and I like it. I was able to see some great concerts, and had some interesting, experiences at them. I think my top 2 would be Vampire Weekend, and Ani Difranco. Vampire Weekend was so funky and fun. I love their Musical style. The lead singer is very Geek/chic. LOVED IT. Ani was great, because she's so folksy and fun, and it was a concert I went to with my sister, we haven't been to a concert together, forever, and it was a fun bonding moment.
2. My name is much better when you pronounce it "Jernine". It's even better when a sentence starts..."But Jernine, I just want to be friends" ADORABLE.
3. Blue mascara makes my blue eyes pop. Such a great trick I learned. Nobody notices that I'm wearing blue mascara but they always mention how blue my eyes are. The secret is out.
4. For some reason, I only like writing in Sharpie markers. I don't know why, I just like it
5. Hawaii is heaven on earth. I'm so grateful that I was able to go there last Feb. with my Family. It was amazing, and I'll be honest that was probably the happiest moment of 2008. Sad huh.
6. The following TV shows are AWESOME (I'm singing that, that means it's important): How I met your Mother, The New Adventures of Old Christine, The Mentalist and The Soup. Now there are many other TV shows that are awesome, these are just ones that I've discovered this year, with the exception of The Soup. I just saw Joel Mchale live, and it reconfirmed to me, that everyone needs to be watching this show. Do yourself a favor people.
7. You're nothing without your family/good friends. I'm so lucky to have an amazing family to help me through hard times, and I really learned who my true friends are as well. Thank goodness for them both.
8. It is so difficult to transition from a singles ward, to a family ward. I didn't think I'd have as hard of a time with it. But it has been so tough. Luckily I know that the Gospel is true, and the ward isn't the most important so it will fall into place, sooner or later. (Hopefully sooner)

These are in no particular order of importance, They're just what came to me at 1:00 in the morning, when I can't sleep. (Somethings never change). Anyway I'll I have to say is 2008.... Buh Bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Chaos

It's been so awesome to come up to Utah to spend time with my family, this Christmas break has been great. I love the feeling of Christmas and all that it represents. The thing is that part of the feeling up in Utah is the lack of feeling of my toes. It has been super cold. On Christmas day it dumped snow like you wouldn't believe. There was slightly, (and by slightly I mean a bunch) more than we got in Vegas. It's been hilarious watching our Buddy playing in the snow.... through the window, from the warmth of the house. When the whole family gets together, with Jessica's dog Brody, it's so fun to watch the 2 dogs play. They're so cute. I could (and did) watch them for hours. We also were able to get together with extended family and see the Grandparents and cousins. I love being able to spend time with my family, and all I seemed to do was sleep, and watch movies. I guess I just save up my sleep from Vegas and take care of it up here. I was able to spend some time with my niece Kaycee. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, and was able to spend it with loved ones. I hope you all got what you wanted from Santa. But more importantly I hope you all reflected on the true meaning of CHRISTmas! Here is a fun video of Buddy and Brody having fun, and some of the fun moments of my week! Enjoy!!!