Thursday, May 21, 2009


I saw this, and had to share....A few things ran through my head as I saw this picture (besides the burning of my eyes to view such a sight) 1: Does this man not have friends that would tell him "dude...cut your hair" 2: This guy has to cut his own hair because I'm offended not only as a human but as a hairstylist as well and would NEVER give this haircut. I'd refuse first. 3: Is this man blind.....does he live on a blind colony? Because that would be his only reason for this....then again he does have a brush....actually, I don't think he does. In case there is any question out there this is a big Hair DON'T!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another overdue post.

This is a late Happy Mothers Day post, dedicated to all mothers out there, but especially to my mother, who is the best mother out there. (Okay so I may be biased). She is the most loving, compassionate, and giving person I know. I know that she has shared just as many tears for me, as I have for myself. She's praised my accomplishments and cried with me through my trials. She has been a teacher, nurturer, role model and most of all best friend. I love her for her kindness, and service she gives others, her testimony is beautiful and strong, and sometimes it even buoys me up. She has made me who I am, there are things that I have inherited from her, for instance: she is crafty and creative, and I inherited that ability. The way she cooks; she reads a recipe and then does whatever she wants, and so do I. She is very loving and accepting of all, and I hope I have inherited that....I'm working on it.
Some things I definitely haven't inherited from her: Her amazing ability to sleep, I wish I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat like my mom, however, I'm afraid I take after my Dad on that one; My mom has an ability to save.....EVERYTHING. :) I'm afraid I throw everything away, sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes a bad thing. (I've had a few close calls thinking I threw my social security card away). The other thing is my mom is very forgiving, and humble. I'm afraid I'm stubborn,and bull headed. I just hope that I'll someday be just like her. I love you mom. Happy Mothers Day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This post is way overdue

So I've been crazy busy lately and realized I'm behind on the blogs that I've really wanted to post so this is going to be out of date.....however, last month I celebrated my birthday with my favorite birthday buddy; my sister Jessica. When people find out I share my birthday with my sister they always ask if I like that or make some negative comment like "that would suck having to share my birthday." I have to disagree. I'm sure that when I was younger I didn't love it, but I can't remember. The one birthday that I spent without her was the worst of my life. I don't know if our shared birthday has given us a bond, (it might be because we're both Aries), or if our parents just raised us right so all three of us girls are super close, (probably that), but my life would be far less meaningful without her in it. These are some of the things I love the most about Jess:
1: As shown by this picture she's always ready to pose for a camera, if not only just to give us a laugh.
2: She is probably one of the only ones that can make me laugh when I'm feeling blue.
3: She has some of the funniest flippant remarks about things. Sometimes a little off the wall or tongue in cheek, but I love it.
4: I always feel I can call her with any problem I have, big or small, and she would drop everything to listen to me.
5: We have the same taste in music, movies, T.V. (well some T.V.--she was disgusted when she found out I watched Rock of Love), and have some awesome memories of great concerts that we've been to together.
Those are just a few, because if I mentioned some of the other ones she might get embarrassed. For those of you that know Jess, you know what I'm talking about, and for those of you that don't know her... trust me, you're missing out. I love you Jecky, you're the bestest birthday buddy ever.