Sunday, April 26, 2009

No Hair Contest--PLEASE READ!

At the end of my students freshman module they have an assignment where they are suppose to do a "hair-style" without using hair. They take their "Samuel" Mannequin that they have shaved bald and create a masterpiece without the use of actual hair. The idea is to be as creative as possible. Afterward the whole school votes for their 3 favorite. Well let me tell you they took this assignment to heart. I was blown away by the creativity that I had to share with all the awesome pictures. I wish the pictures did them justice, unfortunately they don't show the actual waterfall of one and the fact that on the scuba-diver there are actual fish floating around in the head. Please leave your comments and let me know what you think. I'd love to share them with my class. My students have since advanced to juniors and now are taking clients on the clinic floor. They have made this teacher proud. Good job ladies.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bizarro Birthday

So this 29th birthday of mine has not started out very smooth. I was planning on going home for none and my sissy's birthday. My parents had used some of their sky miles to get me a plane ticket so I was set. However... I had a meeting Thursday night at work, and while they are only suppose to be 30 minutes this one lasted an hour and a half. As a result I missed my flight and ended up needing to purchase a new ticked for $150 on another airline. (thanks mom and dad). Believe me I was not a happy birthday girl that night in the airport, words were said and tears were shed. I just wanted to get out of vegas and wanted to immediatly. After that debacle was over with, it was smooth sailing... For awhile. But Sunday I just had to feel the need to update my iTunes and I crashed my harddrive. Enter dave the computer nerd. Right now he has my computer and is trying to fix it but we'll see. Then to top it off I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight. Yup you guessed it I missed my flight back to vegas. I got here in plenty of time but I thought my flight left at 852 when it left at 826 and I was having a personal problem that was not going to take care of itself in a quick fashion. So I get to my gate at 822 and they wouldn't let me on. Luckily they were nice and I didn't have to pay extra for a new flight. Needless to say this 29th year isn't starting out great. Hopfully that doesn't speak for the rest of the year. Next 29th birthday better be good.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I really should be blogging about my trip to Anaheim for the design team competition, but that will have to wait. I have to tell you about how awesome my class is and what they did for me tonight. They had a little Birthday party for me tonight. I won't be in class tomorrow because I switched shifts so I could go home for my actual B-day to spend with my family and b-day buddy Jess. So we're in class and of my students brings in this cake. How awesome is this. She made this cake for me complete with a mini version of me on top. How adorable is that? Not to mention DELICIOUS. It was chocolate mousse on the bottom and Red Velvet on top. Say it with me now.... YUMMMMY! Then they got pizza and salad for the night. To top it off, my boss Kristie came in and informed all of us, that I will be staying with my class for one more module. YAY! I love these girls. I had to add a picture of us all. They're so great, and I felt so loved. Thanks girls you made my night! Side note, it does say Happy 29th Birthday. I told my class I was 29, and told them I was turning 29. It's kind of our joke. I loved it! :)