Sunday, November 30, 2008

Last, but never least...more like first...

I would never end this month without expressing thanks to my Savior. I'm so Thankful for my Church and all it teaches. I'm thankful for my Savior, and all he did for us, and for the Atonement. Without it I would be in big trouble. I'm mentioning this now, first because it has been on my mind a lot. My friend Holly, recently had a brother pass away, and while I am so sad for her and her family, I am so grateful she has the gospel and knowledge of what is to come. I know that the Spirit is a comfort to those that mourn, and I'm grateful that we have that knowledge. I want to say to Holly that my heart goes out to you and me and my family are praying for you and yours.
I know I take the church for granted sometimes, and I'm very repentant of that. I am just glad I have it in my life. That is all!

My Last Hurrah!

I thought I would end the month with the thing I am most thankful for...which is what I started out with. My family and friends. It's okay that I mention them twice, because they are so important to me, it's worth mentioning more than once.
It has been so awesome being home for Thanksgiving, but I was a little scared because, since the weather was a little rainy, they had been cancelling flights, so early Thanksgiving morning I called and found out my flight was leaving on time. Phew!!! While I was waiting in line to board the plane, I called my mom to let her know I was on my way. BUT.... being the trickster that I am I thought I'd have a little fun with it. Here's how the conversation went. Mom: "Happy Thanksgiving, we are so excited for you to get here" Me: "yeah, about that. Ummm My flight's been cancelled" Mom: "WHAT!!! Please tell me your kidding" Me: (as I'm giggling) "Okay, I'm kidding I'm getting ready to board the flight right now." Now I'll share with you my side of the conversation, and what those around me could here. Me: ".....I'm getting ready to board the flight right now.....Oh mom, are you crying?.....Don't cry, it was just a joke, I'll be there in an hour.... Oh man, did I ruin Thanksgiving? I'm a terrible daughter."
Yeah my joke backfired, I've learned never to kid with my mom on Thanksgiving. Or as she puts it "Her Holiday." The people around me went from looking at me with confusion because we were all in line, to laughing because it serves me right for trying to play a joke on my mom. (oh Karma the mouse, how dare you)
But this weekend has been fun and my family has been amazing. We had fun trying to work our timers to get the picture above that the 2 Dave's', were plum tuckered out.
We had so much fun this weekend, we watched movies HSM 3, and Quantum of Solace, in the same day. Of course I was the kitchen cosmetologist and did hair, but I also had time to catch up with a few friends. My friend Tiersa who we try to get together every time I come up, but it doesn't always happen, and my friend Anais Haase. She was one of my mission companions, and I haven't seen her in 6 years. It was so much fun catching up with her. We had such an awesome time and she looks amazing. Anais I love ya like crazy and I'm SO glad we caught up. Let's not let 6 years go by again.
It makes me so excited for Christmas time. I can't wait to come back up and spend more time with my loved ones. This month has made me realize how much I have to be thankful for. For all of you, thank you for being a part of my life. I hope your Thanksgiving was as good as mine.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun with Kaycee

It's so awesome being home to spend time with my family for the holiday. One thing that has be extra special is that my FAVORITE niece is here for the holiday. I can't believe how big she has gotten since I saw her in the summer. She also has the cutest new haircut. Plus this chick cracks me up. She tends to burp in such a way that it would impress anyone. Well at Thanksgiving dinner she burped, loud I might add and I couldn't help it I started laughing, then she burped again and said "ooh, I need to learn to close my mouth," well I completely lost it. I know I shouldn't laugh because that promotes bad behavior, but this is why I don't have children, and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Anyhow, I'd do just about anything for her. Case in point I went to "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" with her... did I mention it was in 3-D. Yeah she has me wrapped around her finger. So when Jessica told me that she was taking her to "High School Musical 3" and asked me if I wanted to go, I thought to myself, do I want to see the movie NO!!!!! But do I want to spend time with my sister, niece, and mom...well yeah, so I agreed to go. It was no easy feat either, one theater it was sold out, the other the sound was bad so they weren't showing it, and the third one was not until later, but Kaycee was all set to watch it, decked out in her HSM shirt and all. So we went to the later show. Well she was so happy. The whole time we were watching it she had the cheesiest smile on her face. It was good just seeing her so happy. I'm glad I could be a great aunt to her. High School Musical, was sooo cheesy, and definitely not my demographic, did I like the show? No! But... confession, I enjoyed it more than "Twilight." In fact, I would go see HSM again before Twilight. Bottom line, I did NOT like "Twilight at all. But I am SOOOO thankful for my niece Kaycee!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I can't believe it's nearly the end of the month. Hopefully I won't start having my Christmas panic.... who am I kidding, I will. But here are a few thanks:

1: The rain. Even though I am totally loving the nice weather in Nov. I'm loving it that it's raining right now. It just doesn't rain that much here, so when it does it's kind of nice. Plus I love the smell of rain.
2: Online check in. Now I don't have to check in at the airport, I can forgo all those lines. Yay!
3: This is a little nostalgic but yesterday I hit my 10 year mark of being home from my mission. That is crazy. Even though my mission seems like a lifetime ago, I am so thankful for it. It has made me the person I am. So I'm so thankful for that.
4: Precious sleep. Anyone who knows me knows that this sure doesn't come easy for me. But last night I had such an awesome night of sleep and I didn't wake up once. Which in and of its self is an accomplishment.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Danke Schoen

Things to give thanks for:

1: A few days off. I feel like I've been working ragged, and while I'm loving every minute I'll be glad to get a few days off. It will be nice not having to turn on an alarm clock
2: Text messaging/voice mail. I swear if it weren't for these things I'd never keep in touch with my friends or family
3: Facebook. This is in an entirely different category because, not only do I reconnect with old friends, but it's a fun time waster too.... I'm a geek.
4: Living comforts. I don't know how they did it in the olden days, but there is nothing better than listening to my ipod, while I look on my laptop, in between watching TV shows I've had recorded on my TV, all while laying on my bed. I couldn't do the whole, lighting a fire for warmth, and a candle for light, etc. etc.
5: Peppermint ice cream. No need to elaborate. I love this time of the year for that reason.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

Tonight was a very happy night for me. As you can tell my long awaited and very beloved 24 was back with a 2 hour movie event. For those of you who live in a hole, 24 is (let me make sure I give this enough enthusiasm) THE BEST TV SHOW EVER, and all of you NEED to watch it. Since they had such a long hiatus, and weren't on last year due to the writers strike (I know.. LONGEST. DROUGHT. EVER), they did a movie event to bring us up to date, as to what our hero Jack has been doing since last season, and tie in what the next season will be about. I'm so stoked I can't even begin to describe. Sometimes I play a little game while watching. It's like a drinking game without drinking. So because of that I want to give a run down of the numbers, and give my views on the next season.

16- The number of people Jack killed. Some were at his own hand, and some he set up. But that's pretty good for a 2 hour event
2- Number of torture scenes. It wouldn't be 24 without them.
2- Number of times Jack said Dammit. I know, I'm shocked. Unless it happened more and I'm totally immune to it. But that was in the last 15 minutes as well. I think his new word of choice is Son of a B****, which is all good, because that's my panic word (or phrase) of choice as well. We're kindred.
1- The number of smarmy old men that I'm going to love to hate. Jon Voight, I'm going to love loathing you. I'll give a 1/2 to Powers Boothe the outgoing President, who I've never really liked.
Best line of the night goes to Jack when he said to the wimpy UN guy "Save your helmet for the Parade do you have a gun or not." I love you Jack

Things I learned:
1- I'm liking the Woman Pres. I think she'll be a good addition to the new season. Plus her last name is Taylor and that's just awesome.
2- All kick but men have the initials JB- Jack Bauer, James Bond, Jason Bourne. I don't think they did that by accident. Now I need to find me a man whose last name starts with B..... oh Jack...Where are you.
3- Watching 24 is just as big of a workout as going to the gym. My heart rate was up the whole time.
4- I loved Benton, and wish we would have had some more of him.. (I can't remember what his first name is..)

Bottom line, I'm so excited for Jan. 11, 2009. I'll be glued to my TV (like I need an excuse right)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Many more Thanks

Okay it's been a few days, so here are my thanks:

1: The nice weather. It's been like in the high 70's here the last few weeks. Not even cool enough for a jacket. Let me tell you that's my kind of weather!
2: Entertainment. I can't put in words the joy I am feeling because on Sunday there is a 24 movie event. YAY! I've missed Jack Bauer so much, and I can't wait. I can't help but get wrapped up in all my fun shows. I'm just not ashamed to say it. I can't wait to feel the 24 intensity once again
3: The holiday season. I must say it's been a sneaky thing, because it came way sooner than expected. (Just like every year I suppose). I didn't even realize that Thanksgiving was next week, but I'm super excited to go home and spend time with my family!

Yay for it all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oh and one more thing

I did forget to mention one thing I'm thankful for:
Long talks with loved ones

This is a picture of Me and Jess, last Christmas, and may I say we are in true form. We are goofy together, and are super cool, and super sexy! :) (Inside joke for Jess)
We had a long conversation last night, she actually heard the conversation I had with Sadie about Karma the Mouse. But what I'm thankful for is the fact that we can call each other in our times of need. I know I've sure called her many a time so she could hear my drama, and I'm so grateful if I get the chance to reciprocate. I'm not sure how often she reads this blog, but Jess I love ya like crazy, and I'll always be here. You're one of my heroes, and I hope you are feeling better today.

Here's a picture of me and Jen. Love you like crazy too Jen. We love to dish about our favorite TV shows, and all sorts of other very IMPORTANT stuff. Jen, you are as well one of my heroes. Jen has diabetes and I admire her, because it is something that sure changes your life. She's had a lot of problems in the past with it, but I'll be honest, I never can remember her every saying something like "Why me?" I'm sure she thinks it but she keeps a pretty positive attitude about it. I'm not sure I would do the same. Just want you to know Jen that it really is admirable.

Bottom line is I couldn't ask for 2 better sisters in the world. We sure fought like crazy growing up, but they are 2 of my best friends. Love you guys!

Enough of the negative. More positive stuff

Okay, I feel better after stepping on my soapbox, but now back to my thanks!
Here are the things I'm thankful for:
1: My AMAZING Grandparents:

They are 2 of the most supportive, loving people I know. I had a good talk with my Grandma the other day. Albeit very short. She isn't much of a phone person. But she really wanted to know how my my new job was and was so excited for me. I really do appreciate it. They've raised great posterity. Now I no they don't read this, but Grandma and Grandpa your Jeanniney-bug loves you very much
2: The Leavers, and these little kids of theirs:

How could you not love these faces? Lucas didn't really want his picture taken, and Sadie was really into the show they were watching, but I love spending time with these kids. This is totally self-centered, but they totally boost my ego. They are always so excited to see me. Andrea informed me that they said, "Mommy, can you go away for like 4 days so Jeannine can come over." I'm sure it made Andrea feel bad, but it made me so happy. I watched them last night, and they asked me if I was going to be here when they woke up. They were very disappointed when I said no.

They always make me laugh. I walked into the room and saw Lucas like this. He was just wearing the bunny ears, his soccer uniform, and watching Madagascar. I had to take a picture of him. I love trying to reason with them. Admittedly it can be a bit frustrating, but the following conversation explains why it's so funny.
Lucas: "Jernine, Sadie just hit me"
Me: "Sadie come here"
Sadie does not come........ 30 seconds later
Sadie: "Jeannine, Elliet just hit me in the neck"
Me: "Sadie, do you know what Karma is?"
Sadie: "Yes"
Me: "What is it"
Sadie: "A mouse"
Me: "No Sadie, karma is not a mouse"
Sadie: "Who's Karma then?"
Me: "Karma is when you do something bad to someone, then something bad will happen to you. Remember when you hit Lucas?"
Sadie: "Yes"
Me: "Well you hit Lucas, then Elliet hit you. Do you feel bad you hit Lucas?"
Sadie: "No"
Me: "Well maybe that's why Elliet hit you then. How about nobody hit anybody else?"
Sadie: "Okay, but what about the mouse?"

I'm not sure if Sadie will take anything from that conversation except to think that Jeannine is trying to teach me lesson's about mice.
P.S. I have no idea if there is a mouse named Karma, but if there is, It really ruined a teaching moment for me. Hmmm... Is that my Karma?

Things I'm thankful for....and one thing I'm not

I apologize in advance for this long post... I'm on my soapbox!

So here's the story. My friend Kristen works at The Mandalay Bay, and she called me telling me she had 2 tickets to see Kathy Griffin in concert. I agreed and we went to the show. We sat down, and just as it was beginning to start 2.... (Hmmmm... nice words?) big jerks, sat down behind us. They immediately started talking... not whispering.... talking. Plus, the lady had a ear shattering cackle that I'm sure people in New York could here. Going to a comedy show, this does not bode well for us. Well they were talking so loud we couldn't even hear Kathy Griffin. Who isn't very quiet. Well my friend had enough so she turned around and said, "I don't mean to be rude, but when you are talking we can't hear her over you, do you mind talking a little softer?" Not rude at all right? Apparently they didn't think so, they started saying "We aren't even talking very loud, turn around and shut up. if you don't like it, move seats. Now get out of our faces" Ok, I'm paraphrasing, but it was kind of like that. Plus the fact that they were putting their hands in Kristen's face. So.. after that tension filled confrontation do you think we were enjoying ourselves? I'll answer that, the answer is NO we were not. Then for the next 10 minutes every time they laughed they would say "No having fun in this section", and "Oh no better not laugh we may get in trouble." Needless to say we were miserable. Were we wrong in saying something to them? I don't know. Kristen was not rude or sarcastic in any way and then they were complete drunken jerks. Well right about that time someone in another section got up and left and people around him started cheering. Kathy saw this and said, "Just so you know, we may be in Vegas, but in this theater it's a police state, and I'm all in support of the Shushers, if you are talking I'm the one that shushes you. So those of you that are talking and carrying on, good luck because I support the shushers." Well our section totally started cheering and the people behind us started saying, "we're in a comedy show not a movie." Finally I turned around and said quit being such d-bags. (but I did say the word) After that they called us the word... You know what word I'm thinking right... the big "C"-word. Kristen looked like she was about ready to punch someone. I was thinking to myself... I'm really to the point that being thrown in jail might be worth it if I punch this lady in the windpipe. (Please don't judge me and think I'm violent but these people were being horrible). Kristen turned to me and said "Are you enjoying yourself let's just see if we can switch seats." I quickly agreed we got up, (I was a little afraid that we were going to get cheered as well, but everyone was silent, I think they were wishing they would have got up and left as well, these people were ruthless). Kristen went directly to the Security guard and told him the situation, asking if we could please get different seats. Well the security guard asked where we were sitting, she told him where, and I'll be honest I was afraid that he was going to go up and talk to them. Now I'm all about confrontation, but I just didn't want to ruin things for the other concert goers. I already felt guilty that we were partially the reason there evening wasn't stellar, I didn't want a security guard making things worse. Well he just walked over by our old seats but talked to the usher and we got even better seats. The funny thing is, we could still hear that cackle.
So things I've learned from this experience:
1: Kristen and I don't think that Mandalay Bay is the best place for us, and comedy shows, after what happened with Joel Mchale, and Kathy Griffin. However the staff at Mandalay Bay, have always been accommodating and for that I'm very thankful
2: Never confront an obnoxious drunk. Or never sit next to one if you can.
My question is this- What would you have done in this situation? Should we have just stayed? Should we have said nothing and just left? (Probably). "WWYHD" What would you have done?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So here are some thanks for the last few days:
1. Wow, I'm so thankful for the beautiful sunsets. Last night after the sunset the sky was the most beautiful red and purple, it was awesome.
2. My parents for buying me a plane ticket to come home for Thanksgiving. I have to teach until Wednesday night, so I wouldn't be able to leave until late Wednesday night, or early Thanksgiving morning. So that was super awesome.
3. I'm thankful for the fact that I filled my tank with gas for less than $30. That is a relief. Yay

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Thanks today

Here is my few things today:
1: Theraflu. My body is trying to come down with a cold, and I don't want it to, so yay for theraflu. I took some and now I'll be able to sleep so cozy. Even though I LITERALLY gag it down and have to give myself pep-talks to drink it. It sure does wonders
2: I'm so THANKFUL I'm done with school. My students started today, and it sure brings back memories. I'm soooo excited for them, but it makes me so glad that that is behind me. I can't wait to teach them all the good stuff.
3: I'm thankful for MY students. They all seem so glad to be there and so excited, It makes me so excited. Isn't enthusiasm contagious?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thanks and stuff

So here are my thanks today....
1. I'm thankful for friends that will go to the $3.99 and up shoe store in the ghetto, so I could by some fuzzy boots. Thanks Beca. We had a fabulous time, PLUS... I'm thankful that I found cute fuzzy boots. They're so cute, and getting them at the $3.99 and up store they were pretty cheap too.
2. I'm thankful for my TIVO. There is not a better invention. I've been able to catch up on all my shows, and since now I'm going to be working nights, it sure is nice to know that I don't have to miss all my great TV.
3. I'm thankful for my little hamsters. These little guys are so fun to watch. They make me giggle.

Thank you...Thank you very much....

Oh the things to be thankful for.
1: I'm so thankful for hugs.... what could be better huh? Seriously who couldn't love hugs? If you don't you're dead inside, and that's saying a lot coming from me. But there is a specific reason I'm thankful for them today, let me explain.... So today at my AWESOME job, I've been shadowing the freshman class, since I'm getting my freshman class on Monday. Well freshmen, don't work on actually people, they do their cuts, colors, perms, etc. on their Patty mannequin dolls, but, they do get to bring in models from time to time. So today was their first time to bring in their models. One student was doing the haircut they had learned on Tuesday on her niece. She was pretty nervous because she was going to be cutting a lot of hair off, so she asked me to stay near by for moral support. So I complied and kept an eye on her, I was there to give her pointers and help answer her questions, but mainly reassure her when I could tell she was starting to freak out. She was taking on a pretty difficult haircut and I was super proud of her for not wimping out. (A lot of students tried to back out of doing cuts, but we didn't let them,and I wouldn't let her do that anyway). She did such a great job, I cross checked it and helped her fix some very minor snips here and there, then I showed her some tricks on finishing the cut, and let me tell you this girl looked so cute at the end. The cut was soooo fantastic. The other students kept coming up to her and were in awe at the job she did. I think they were jealous they didn't get to do that cut on their models. My student, was beaming from ear to ear, and so was her niece, and afterward she gave me the biggest hug. This hug started from her head and went down to her toes. You could feel how happy she was. Let me tell you that warmed the very cockles of my heart. She threw her arms around her other instructor, and her instructor whispered to me, "I need to walk away because I'm going to start to cry... I'm so happy for her." Anyhow, THAT is why I'm thankful for hugs.
2: I'm thankful for a day off. So it's not technically a full day off, because I'm going in to the salon in the morning to do a quick color, but it will be nice, after this hectic week, to be able to relax for the next 2 days. YAY!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Thanks!

While I'm not super excited about the whole Election, and while I sort of have a downer attitude about it...(not really a believer of the whole "every vote counts" hoo-ha) my first thanks today has to deal with it:
1: I'm so thankful that it's over, I'm glad we won't be seeing the commercials anymore, getting the phone calls, e-mails... etc. etc. And even though I'm not too thrilled with the outcome either way, it will be good to have someone new in office for people to complain about. I know this sounds like I'm not thankful at all, but I am soooo thankful that I'm an American, and we actually have the right to vote. This country is awesome, and I love being a member of this great nation.
2: I'm going to use all caps because yes, I am shouting this. I LOVE MY NEW JOB. I started my first official day of work today. Yesterday I went to a training class, and that was awesome, because I learned so many good techniques on how to be an effective instructor, but today I shadowed in a classroom, and was able to help the students when they were cutting on their mannequin heads. It was so great to see them get that Ah-ha moment. It was even great to see them struggle, but then after asking a few questions overcome that struggle. I literally left today with the biggest cheesiest grin on my face. I even did a haircut on the instructor of their class, so I did a live model demo. It was awesome to be able to take the reigns and show the students how I was cutting. I felt so at ease, I wasn't nervous or uncomfortable at all. I love what I do, I love doing hair, and I'm SO grateful for my job. Both of them. Right now I'm loving life, and I'm thankful for that too! Life is good!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Buddy the Brilliant

So I went home last weekend and had to love a little on my brother buddy. He's just the most, to say the very least. I love just playing with him, and he loves when people play with him, so it all works out. The funny thing is that he HATES getting his picture taken. He will hide from the camera, and if you pull the camera out and turn it on, he bolts. I did get this picture above of him, but look at how mad he looks. So the funny thing is, my dad is teaching him new tricks everyday, and he's now getting him to literally jump through hoops for him. With him distracted I was able to get this video of him. It's so funny he'll do anything to play a little catch. Sometimes he's too anxious to get the ball and he won't jump through the hoops, but that's part of his charm.

More Thanks

Okay so I've got to play catch up, So a few things I have to voice my thanks for are:
1: So awhile ago, I was writing how some of my clients were asking me in June if I was ready for Christmas. But the funny thing is I actually have Ideas this year, and not only that but I've already bought a few presents. AWESOME. The great thing about that is I'm totally in the Holiday spirit. Really focusing on things I'm Thankful for, and the other day when I was at store I was humming along to the Christmas Carols they were piping through the Musak.
2: I'm really thankful for my pearly whites! I got my braces off on Wednesday and my teeth look AWESOME! Thanks Scott. Here's a pic. Notice my Cheesy smile. Also, don't mind the kinked neck, that's so I wouldn't have a double chin.

3: Okay, this is a total superficial one (like no braces isn't), but I love my music. I love discovering new music, I love listening to my old music. They may be Oldies but they sure are goodies. There is something about hearing my beloved Elvis, that puts a big cheesy grin on my face. I blast it, I rock out and I love EVERY SECOND! It's also awesome to find cheap MP3 download sites like my new fave MP3fiesta. So everyone do yourself a favor next time you're in your car blast your favorite song, sing at the top of your lungs and think of me, I'll be doing the same. My choice will be "Hard-headed woman".

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thanks....Thanks alot!

So I decided to get in the spirit of the holidays I would write things I'm thankful for the whole month of Nov. I'm not sure if I'll be able to write something every day. But I want to have at least 31 things I'm thankful for. So to start the month off right, what I have to be thankful for is.........
1: My AWESOME Family!! I know that's a little cheesy and brown-nosey but I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them. I have a client that recently went through a very tragic event, and lost her grandchild. But rather than the family rallying around one another, there was nothing but discontent. I couldn't even imagine thinking, not to mention saying some of the things that my clients family have said to one another. It makes me so sad for her that she doesn't have a great support system like me. I never want to take that for granted. So to all my family immediate and extended. I love ya like crazy. I know they will always love and support me, and I know that sometimes that could be quite the cross to bare. :)
2: Along those same lines I'm thankful for my friends. You guys are the best. I couldn't ask for a better bunch of characters to associate myself with. I'm a lucky gal!
Like I said I'm a little cheesy. It won't always be like that. Like Veronica Mars would say I'm a marshmallow (because I'm a softie....) just keep that to yourselves please! :)