Sunday, September 12, 2010

Christmas Movies

Okay, here we go. Christmas is just around the corner, time to watch some Christmas movies to get in the holiday spirit. I know it's 3 months away, but these are classic movies. So without further adieu, here are my top 5 Christmas Movies.


5: A Charlie Brown Christmas
4: Bad Santa
3: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2003)
2: Elf
1: A Christmas Story


5: The Holiday
4: A Year Without Santa Claus (Hello-- Mr. Heat miser--Best song ever)
3: The Miracle on 34Th Street (1994)
2: A Christmas Story
1: It's A Wonderful Life

I love these movies, what are your favorite holiday movies?

Top 5 80's Movies

Here we go, who doesn't love the 80's? I love it, you love it, VH1 loves it. So here are our favorite 80's movies, and the years, so you know we are for real.


5: The Breakfast Club- 1985
4: The Goonies- 1985
3: The Princess Bride- 1987
2: Dirty Dancing- 1987
1: Urban Cowboy- 1980


5: Stand By Me- 1986
4: Ferris Bueller's Day Off- 1986
3: The Breakfast Club- 1985
2: The Princess Bride- 1987
1: Die Hard- 1988- Of course that's going to be #1 on my list

The rules for my list are movies that hold up. That even now I could watch over and over, and not necessarily just ones that I loved when I first watched them. So because of that, here are a few honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions:

Real Genius- 1985
Mr. Mom- 1983
All of Me- 1984
Say Anything-1989
Better off Dead- 1985
E.T.- 1982

What are your favorites? Let me know.

It's been awhile--- Top 5 saddest movies

I know I know, it's been awhile. Thanks so much for the comments and your input. Dad, The Godfather is classic, honestly that might have been on my list, but really, I totally forgot about it. Josh, Kill Bill has some great death scenes, but I did put in some pulp fiction. Jen, way to keep it on the nose with The Crow. Poor Brandon Lee, he did die in real life, but honestly, I hated that movie, so that's why I didn't put it on my list. Keep your responses coming. I'm going to be posting quite a few top 5's right now. Hope you enjoy:

Top 5 Saddest Movies:

Now we did this list awhile ago, and I'll be honest, I lost Mel's list, so this will just be mine. Some of these post's will just be my list. Mel and I have slacked off our countdowns so here it goes.

5: Legends of the Fall--Poor Brad Pitt, man he had a tough break during that movie. So sad.
4: Untamed Heart--Jess, Mandi Lunt, and I were watching this movie, crying our eyes out and Dad came running out of the room to see what happened. Yeah it was just a movie. Sorry.
3: Marley & Me--If you didn't cry at this movie, you have no heart. The saddest movie I've seen in awhile.
2: Armageddon--First, Bruce Willis dies, sad enough, but his good-bye to his daughter is heartbreaking.
1: Life is Beautiful--Such a great movie. I tear up just thinking about it. Such a tragic and wonderful movie.

That's my list, What are your saddest movies? Also, give me some idea's for topics.