Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Make-up Permanente!

So a few weeks ago, I went home to visit family and recoup after a minor surgery, and thought while I'm in pain why not add to it and get a little permanent make-up done. My sis Jess knows this girl that did her eyebrows, and I can't tell you how badly I've wanted permanent eyeliner, so I set up the appointment, and now I no longer have to worry about eyeliner, applying it, or having it wear off throughout the day. So here are a few things I'd like to share about my experience.

1. It's not a tattoo, She didn't use a tattoo gun, that way it looks more natural, and if I don't get it touched up then it will fade.

2. No it didn't hurt at all. Jenny, the girl that did the permanent make-up, numbed me for 20 minutes, and used what looked like a slanted brush, but the bristles were needles. It just felt like I was getting my eyebrows tweezed.

3. Afterwards, my eyes were a little swollen, but other than that no problems.

4. I am so glad I did this. It does save a lot of time, and when my eyes water my eyeliner doesn't rub off... AWESOME!

Of course this little excursion couldn't have been done without it being documented photographically! So check it out!!!

Here's a close up before! Wow my eyebrows really need help, talk about a freckle face, and does it look like I have a lazy eye?!

Here's a look at the tool she used. Yikes! I promise it didn't hurt.

Looking good, huh?

Here's a picture of me the next day with my niece Kaycee. I'm not wearing any make-up, doesn't that look awesome.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Do yourself a favor....or favors....again

I know it seems like every time I blog about doing yourself a favor it is always watching a TV show; well this post is no different. But before you think I'm a complete couch potato, I'll add one more thing that has nothing to do with TV. Oh and I know I watch entirely to much TV, but technically I watch TV in my room on my bed, so I guess that makes me a bed potato, not a couch potato....That being said I first and foremost want to tell you to do yourself a favor, and at least once, get a facial. When people want to get pampered, I know the first things they do are either get a massage or get a pedicure. I'm not a fan of the massage. Most times I feel like I'm being beaten up, and I'm not going to pay anyone to get beaten up. Pedicures are good but a facial isn't something that people get regularly and that is a darn shame. Facials are completely relaxing, and your skin feels so good afterwards. So please do yourself a favor.
Now for the TV part of this post, I recently started watching the TV show "How I met your mother" and was quickly addicted. This show is soooo Fun---Wait for it---ny. It's like Friends but way better. It's super creative and I have found myself on many occasion laughing until I was crying. Totally worth it. Please do yourself a favor and do these things....you'll thank me later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Twilight Nonsense

I'm on my soapbox one more time, and I need to get this off my chest. I think in all the blogs I read a good 85% of them talk about how they're obsessed with the Twilight series. Well let me give you my opinion. Please keep in mind this is MY opinion, and it's my blog so that's that. I guess I'm not really into it. I'm not a fan of Edward, I think he's controlling and overprotective. I'm not a fan of Bella, I think she's whiny and needy. (Yes I'm aware she's a teenager and that's how they are). I guess I would be a fan of Jacob. Hello who would want to cuddle with someone cold? Then again, I'm not a big fan of Jacob either.
That being said, I will say this. Stephenie Meyer is a great story teller. I will give her props for that. They are fun stories. I'm just not a fan of the leading characters, but she sure knows how to paint a picture.
Before you leave a scathing remark to me, remember it is my opinion, and I'm not saying anyone who is a huge fan is lame. I've been to the midnight show of Harry Potter 4 out of the 5 movies, and can't even count the number of times I read the books. I can embrace my inner geek. This just isn't my bag. That's all I have to say about that

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Spoil Me!!!

So I'm going to step on my soapbox for a second, and let you all in on a little secret about me, (or not so secret) I. LOVE. SPOILERS. I can't help it I do. When I read an article in a magazine or on one of my favorite websites,and I see those two words in all caps (you know ***SPOILER ALERT***) I get a little smile on my face and all tingly inside. What can I say I'm a need to know girl. Here's the thing... there is nothing wrong with that. People constantly are telling me I need to stop doing that, and asking me why I would want to read them; so I will explain. The ironic thing is I have to start my explanation off with a large **SPOILER ALERT**: I can't tell you how upset I was when I'm watching 24 excited that Tony came out of his coma and then all of a sudden he's dead. It was like a bop in the nose! I was angry, I had no warning and was not prepared for that horrible scene, from then on I needed a little warning. I tend to get into shows quite a bit and I'm super bugged if things zig when I'm expecting a zag. Sometimes I need to be warned, for instance on a reality show when I don't like someone I want to know if they're going home, that way if they are then good and I can enjoy the episode that much more, and if they aren't at least I'm warned. Here's the thing, I'm just as surprised when I read the spoiler alert so I still get that Oh My Gosh moment. The funny thing is when I tell people I know what's going to happen they say don't tell me, but then proceed to ask questions like am I going to be happy, is it something I'm going to be expecting, etc. etc. People, don't do that.. don't give me a hard time for reading spoilers and then proceed to ask questions about them...it's very contradictory.
Now I realize there are downsides to this, sometimes even after reading spoilers I'm still disappointed, and sometimes it is fun to be in on the surprise. I was amazed at the end of The Sixth Sense when we find out that Bruce Willis was dead all along, but If I can find out who is getting nominated on Big Brother early, I'm not upset if I miss it, because I'm still in the know.
For those of you that don't like spoilers I understand, but don't get after me, I like to read my spoilers, it's not like I'm spoiling anything for you. We can still co-exist in harmony. So please, let me be. ***SPOILER ALERT***? YES PLEASE!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The McHale Mania

So here's the situation, I love Joel McHale, I love the Soup (Oh do yourself a favor and watch that show... you'll thank me later), and I love laughing. Good combination. Well Joel was coming to the Mandalay Bay to do a stand up show and I didn't hesitate to get tickets. They weren't the best seats but I didn't care, I was going to be there. It couldn't have come at a better time either, I had just experienced the week from Hell. I hadn't felt good all week and I'm afraid that Friday I had somewhat of a breakdown at work. I just kept telling myself "tonight you'll be going to Joel, he'll make you laugh, he'll make you feel better."
So that night after a hectic afternoon of running around doing errands, I went to my friend Kristen's house and we went to the show. Kristen works at the Mandalay Bay, and she tried to get us better seats, but was unsuccessful. It was okay though because we were still going to go. So we frantically ran to the box office because we were running late. I had the tickets waiting at will-call and went to retrieve them.
Kristen was told she needed to introduce herself to a man named Andy at the box office because they were going to be working closely together, so while I went to get the tickets she asked for him. Well after about 5 minutes the lady came back and said that Ticketmaster cancelled my tickets....WHAT?????? I asked why they did that and the lady said I don't know but it has something to do with the address on your credit card not matching the address you gave, and Ticketmaster did refund my money but it might not show up for 10 days, which didn't make sense to me considering I've used Ticketmaster quite a bit lately.
I knew that it wasn't the box office's fault so I had to walk away so I didn't take my frustration out on the 2 lady's there, so I went to the bathroom and cried for the second time of the day. After a few minutes I came back out and explained to the lady that I'm sorry that I walked away but I know it's not her fault and this is the only thing I've been looking forward to. Well needless to say she felt bad. In the meantime, while I am apologizing to the box office lady's and talking to them red-eyed, red-nosed and throat catching, Kristen was introducing herself to Andy. He asked if we were staying for the show and she explained we weren't because Ticketmaster cancelled my tickets. At this point I can only surmise that I must have looked over to him, with the most pathetic look on my face, because he said let me see if I can get you some seats. Well I was NOT going to get my hopes up because I didn't want to cry for a 3rd time that night, but low and behold Angel Andy waved 2 tickets at us. We ran over and I gave him the biggest hug ever.
So we give the usher our tickets and they usher us to the 3rd row!!!! 3RD ROW!!!! Man was I dizzy with gratitude.
I don't know if it was all the drama that happened before, but Joel was amazing. I didn't want the show to end, and in case you're wondering Yes!!!! He made me laugh.
On our way out who do we see but none other than Joel McHale taking pictures and signing autographs. He was so pleasant, I pushed my way up there and got my picture with him. I had to restrain myself from smooching him right on the mouth.
I'll I can say is it was an incredible end to an intolerable week. I just need to express my thanks again to my hero Andy, my friend Kristen for the awesome hook-up, and the lady's at the Mandalay Bay box office for being so nice to me while I was borderline psycho.
Note to all you who read this.....Be careful when you use Ticketmaster, and if you are buying tickets to an event at any of the casinos, go through the event box office and not ticketmaster.....AARRGGHH....They haven't heard the last from me.. They'll be receiving a strongly worded phone call from me.
Below are a few of the pictures I took. Feel free to swoon! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Harlem Globetrotting

So this week at work an old patient came in to get new retainers. His name is Shane Christensen, and he is a current Harlem Globetrotter. I went to a few games as a child and thought it was pretty cool. We asked if he would do a few tricks for us with his basketball. He was really sweet and said he would, and I just so happened to have my camera so I recorded it. It was pretty awesome.
He was such a good sport to sign autographs and do tricks. He was so sweet and congenial. Not to mention he is NOT UGLY. Very easy on the eyes! :) Thanks Shane, or as he's known on the Globetrotters "Scooter"!

Here are the video's of him showing off his skills and helping Sydney spin the ball! Good Times! Pardon the dorky laughter in the video...that's me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Concert Craziness!

So I've had the opportunity to go to a few concerts this week. First I went to Jack's Mannequin with my friends Beca, and Katie. Paramore was headlining but we went mainly for Jack's Mannequin. It was at the Henderson Pavilion and wow what an experience that was. First I exchange a few words with this cranky security guard that I could tell didn't want to be there. I can't really blame him because it was hot out there but still... He could have told me I couldn't park where I was rather than threaten my car with a towing. However we found a better parking space, thank you very much and we were off to listen to Jack's. They were awesome. Here is a cute picture of us three... sexy huh? The only thing sexier than us is when a guy can rock out on a piano. Can I just tell you he was awesome. I wish I could have gotten a better picture of him, but I'm afraid this is as good as it gets. They were really good. He'd stand up and pound on the piano with one hand and hold the microphone with the other hand. Now I know what you're thinking... you're saying that's not hard I can do that too, well he makes it sound good. He definitely knows what he's doing.
After a fantastic set from Jack's Mannequin we got ready for Paramore, I'm not a huge fan, but I was curious. Well as soon as they came out, all of their die hard (and teen aged might I add) fans jumped on their chairs. The security guard calmly told everyone to get off their chairs, but of course there are always a few who think the rules don't apply to them. One girl in a tacky zebra print tank top to be exact (and directly in front of us)proceeded to get back on her chair. Katie told her she needs to get down and she gave her a finger gesture and told her to... well you know...... it rhymes with chuck cloth (you get the point). So I said to Beca and Katie if she doesn't get down I'm throwing something at her. Well she didn't... so I did... Then the security guard told them once again to get down, and being the oh so mature girl that she was.... told on me. I know what you're going to say... me throwing a glow in the dark bracelet isn't mature, but at this point what harm is it..right? The security guard didn't really care and I certainly didn't care, so it all works out. It made for an interesting night. Well after that we were kind of done. But I'm happy to say it was a pretty fun night, mean people included; it makes for a good story.
Friday was concert time again. This time it was Slightly Stoopid and Pepper. I dragged my friend from the salon Tayla with me and we headed to the Hard Rock. I forgot to bring my camera with me and I was pretty P-O'ed, because Pepper was H-O-T Hot! I looked up a photo of them on the Internet and I'm afraid this doesn't do it justice but it will have to do. Now the 2 lead singers... I don't even know their names both had their shirts off and it made Tayla and I happy! Pepper was awesome, but since the concert started so late we were pretty tuckered out by the time Slightly Stoopid took the stage. I guess I'm not the spring chicken I thought I was. However there were a few times I didn't think I would be able to leave because our feet were sticking to the alcohol soaked floor. We tried to get out of there quick though because we found a clinger in the form of a moderately drunk guy that was trying his best to lay on the charm. Bless his delusional heart. All in all I had a few fun nights, which has been good for me since I've been feeling so BLAH lately.
Now I'm going to jump on my fuddy duddy soapbox and say, WOW... the Hard Rock is crazy, as in crazy scary. I felt like I was smack dab in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah. I've lived in Vegas for 5 years, and I can see why they call it Sin City, just because of The Hard Rock. However, they do have the coolest display case of Elvis Presley paraphernalia. I could have looked at that forever. What can I say I'm a fan.