Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another overdue post.

This is a late Happy Mothers Day post, dedicated to all mothers out there, but especially to my mother, who is the best mother out there. (Okay so I may be biased). She is the most loving, compassionate, and giving person I know. I know that she has shared just as many tears for me, as I have for myself. She's praised my accomplishments and cried with me through my trials. She has been a teacher, nurturer, role model and most of all best friend. I love her for her kindness, and service she gives others, her testimony is beautiful and strong, and sometimes it even buoys me up. She has made me who I am, there are things that I have inherited from her, for instance: she is crafty and creative, and I inherited that ability. The way she cooks; she reads a recipe and then does whatever she wants, and so do I. She is very loving and accepting of all, and I hope I have inherited that....I'm working on it.
Some things I definitely haven't inherited from her: Her amazing ability to sleep, I wish I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat like my mom, however, I'm afraid I take after my Dad on that one; My mom has an ability to save.....EVERYTHING. :) I'm afraid I throw everything away, sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes a bad thing. (I've had a few close calls thinking I threw my social security card away). The other thing is my mom is very forgiving, and humble. I'm afraid I'm stubborn,and bull headed. I just hope that I'll someday be just like her. I love you mom. Happy Mothers Day!

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