Saturday, July 18, 2009

Here I go again

I'm not sure why I even keep a blog anymore, my posts are few and far between. Here it goes. My new class of 26 students has been going smoothly. We are starting week four and they've been really great. My hand has healed beautifully. No more numbness, no more pain. Wonderful. YAY. I'm getting ready to take the instructors test. Long overdue. I should have in March but I'll be taking it next week. So that comes with a pay increase. About time!!! Other than that, it's been the same boring stuff. I guess that's why I'm not posting as much. Hopefully I'll post more interesting things later.


Laci said...

glad to hear you're doing good. and your hand is getting better!

John and Heather Davis said...

Oooo! more moola is always good!! When do you go in for surgery on your other hand??

Amberlee said...

Sometimes I think I need that surgery as well, was it way bad? Could be a stylist thing. How are you? Tiff came and stayed with me for a week, it was good to see her, but I never see you. Hope all is going great for you and your new class. Amberlee Cope