Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Round 2

So next Thursday the 27th I'm going in to have a carpal tunnel release on my right hand. My left hand did so well that my right hand was jealous. For those of you that aren't familiar with what carpal tunnel is or what they do, I found this picture that is very helpful. There is a tunnel that a nerve travels through. There are 9 tendons that surround the nerve, and a ligament that sits on top of the nerve. With carpal tunnel syndrome the ligament presses down on the nerve, causing discomfort, pain and numbness. For a carpal tunnel release, they just cut a slit in the ligament, releasing pressure off of the nerve. So there folks is a quick lesson for you.

In other completely trivial news, is it sad to say that my life revolves around my new T.V. shows....Never mind don't answer that. I am certainly "psyched" that "Psych" is back on. It will be interesting to note, that James Roday, is a leading star, in quite a few of my bizarre dreams. So I can't wait to see how many more dreams he turns up in. I think it's safe to say I heart him big time. With the summer also comes my summer obsession of "Big Brother". This is like a social experiment gone bad. I can't stop watching. I really am not a fan of any of the people on it. But it just is amazing how they behave in confined quarters. What can I say....it's addictive. That's about all for now. If you don't hear from me for awhile, it's because I can't really type.....or I'm just lazy.....or both. Peace out, yo!!


Laura said...

Very cool picture! Its much easier to understand. I am glad it worked so well for you. How long were you out of work for?

Jenny said...

Good luck on your surgery. Thats great that the other one worked out so well. I guess that is part of the hazards of the job.