Sunday, September 13, 2009

Summer Lovin'

So this week has been a weird catch up week. I flew from SLC, to Las Vegas and had to immediately go to a training. I'll be honest, the training was blah, at best. But I need those continuing ed classes for my license. Which I am now an official Cosmetology instructor instead of a Provisional instructor. Which means, I am happy to say a major pay raise. At school my students are finishing up a module so I've been doing some practical testing, and some students have been having a few melt-downs, but nothing too crazy.

My bestie Josh called and said he was driving to Las Vegas to go on some auditions so he was going to be here for the weekend. YAY! I love catching up with Josh. We pick up where we left off without a hitch. It's as if we talk everyday, even though sometimes it's months in between. Well then he called and said he thinks he's going to move to NYC, to try to make it work in acting. This is so typical of Josh. I really wish I was more like him. He's one of these people that just takes the leap, I'm so happy for him. I called Jen to see if she could get him a buddy pass to fly to New York rather cheaply and he's at the airport as I blog seeing if he could get on a flight. I sure hope it works out. GOOD LUCK JOSHY!

Last night we went to dinner and went to see "500 days of Summer." I heard this was good, but most people told me to rent it. However Josh and I have twin taste in movies and he LOVED it so we went. Gratefully I had 2 free passes that I've had since Christmas and we were able to use them. Can I just say I LOVED this movie. The music alone was awesome, but I loved the story of it. It wasn't your typical love story and that was the appeal to me. I'm not a fan of the saccharin sweet Hollywood endings. Life just isn't like that. Call me a cynic, I consider myself a realist and sometimes things aren't cookie cutter perfect. That's what I loved about it. It was, as I love to put it, tragically wonderful. I recommend it. You might not want to pay full price, but if you get the chance to see it, please do. To me it was a happy movie, and did I mention the music is awesome. I went home and immediately downloaded the album, from my wonderful cheap mp3 sight, that I get full albums for fifty cents. Yup you read that right a half a dollar.

Anyhow this week was good. It was awesome seeing Josh, I've started my diet and have lost 7lbs. I went to work and my hand is doing better, things are good. Next week is a start of a new module for my students and fun times. Cannot wait.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought I was your bestie. :(