Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My apologies

Jess told me last night that I haven't posted something in quite some time, so for my fan(s) out there I do apologize. I watched "Julie & Julia" yesterday and it didn't inspire me to cook or to eat, but it did inspire me to blog more. So I will do better. In my defense, the reason I haven't been blogging is a simple and boring one, I have nothing interesting to write about. My life has become work, TV, sleep. Yes in that order. I wish I could sleep more but it just doesn't come naturally for me. Melatonin has become a close friend of mine, and that helps some, but it doesn't change my crazy dreams which I still have all the time. I should start blogging about them, because my subconscious self has a very busy and interesting life. However, my subconscious self also is rittled with tragedy. So i'm not sure it's worth the trade.

I am happy to report that I flew to Utah for the long weekend and didn't miss any flights. Woo~ woo~. That always makes the weekend better am I right?! Anyhow, I am going to make a little goal to post during September at least twice a week, so bare with

P.S. For those facebookers that read this please welcome Jess and Dave Means to our favorite site and add them as your friend. Thanks. H's & k's

1 comment:

Krista Lou Cook said...

I am glad you are back, although I have been almost as bad as you are about posting. I also had the same experience with the Julia&Julie movie.