Sunday, September 12, 2010

Top 5 80's Movies

Here we go, who doesn't love the 80's? I love it, you love it, VH1 loves it. So here are our favorite 80's movies, and the years, so you know we are for real.


5: The Breakfast Club- 1985
4: The Goonies- 1985
3: The Princess Bride- 1987
2: Dirty Dancing- 1987
1: Urban Cowboy- 1980


5: Stand By Me- 1986
4: Ferris Bueller's Day Off- 1986
3: The Breakfast Club- 1985
2: The Princess Bride- 1987
1: Die Hard- 1988- Of course that's going to be #1 on my list

The rules for my list are movies that hold up. That even now I could watch over and over, and not necessarily just ones that I loved when I first watched them. So because of that, here are a few honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions:

Real Genius- 1985
Mr. Mom- 1983
All of Me- 1984
Say Anything-1989
Better off Dead- 1985
E.T.- 1982

What are your favorites? Let me know.


Brent said...

A few other movies from the 80's that I think deserve recognition:

Raiders of the Lost Ark "I hate Snakes!"

Tootsie Dustin Hoffman in drag.

Big Loved the scene in FOA Schwartz

Romancing the Stone I thought Danny DeVito stole the show.

Field of Dreams "If you Build it they will come"

These are in no particular order. Just movies I still really like. They stood the test of time for me.

Jenny said...

I am glad that better off dead was mentioned. I would add Pretty in Pink (I think that was 80s) close enough.

Jen said...

I think you did good on this one and the Honorable Mentions as well!
It's been a while since you posted. I think we need some more!!!