Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's been awhile--- Top 5 saddest movies

I know I know, it's been awhile. Thanks so much for the comments and your input. Dad, The Godfather is classic, honestly that might have been on my list, but really, I totally forgot about it. Josh, Kill Bill has some great death scenes, but I did put in some pulp fiction. Jen, way to keep it on the nose with The Crow. Poor Brandon Lee, he did die in real life, but honestly, I hated that movie, so that's why I didn't put it on my list. Keep your responses coming. I'm going to be posting quite a few top 5's right now. Hope you enjoy:

Top 5 Saddest Movies:

Now we did this list awhile ago, and I'll be honest, I lost Mel's list, so this will just be mine. Some of these post's will just be my list. Mel and I have slacked off our countdowns so here it goes.

5: Legends of the Fall--Poor Brad Pitt, man he had a tough break during that movie. So sad.
4: Untamed Heart--Jess, Mandi Lunt, and I were watching this movie, crying our eyes out and Dad came running out of the room to see what happened. Yeah it was just a movie. Sorry.
3: Marley & Me--If you didn't cry at this movie, you have no heart. The saddest movie I've seen in awhile.
2: Armageddon--First, Bruce Willis dies, sad enough, but his good-bye to his daughter is heartbreaking.
1: Life is Beautiful--Such a great movie. I tear up just thinking about it. Such a tragic and wonderful movie.

That's my list, What are your saddest movies? Also, give me some idea's for topics.


Brent said...

You missed the 3 saddest movie ever.

Old Yeller
Steel Magnolias I've watched this once, and can't watch it again.

Other sad ones are the Bucket List, and Dead Poets Society.

Great lists, Keep the coming.

Jen said...

Ok, it's been over a month that you've been keeping us waiting for more lists so here is a few ideas - some I've already posted, but here you go... Top 5 Best Songs from movies (I think it will be interesting to see the difference between the 2 of you), Top 5 movies that made a difference in your life...(for good, or bad), Top 5 Scary movies (just in time for Halloween), You could also do top 5 90's movies, top 5 worst movies you've seen... So there are a few! Get to work to entertain us! :)

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