Monday, June 23, 2008

My favorite kids

So since my only niece lives in Spokane and I hardly ever see her, I have to adopt pseudo nieces and nephews, enter the Leavers. I met Scott and Andrea through my friends Mike and Lianne Gardner, who I met through my good friend Jon Bancroft; Lianne's brother (are you with me still?). Andrea was looking for someone to help her watch the kids a few days a week so she could get some hassle free errands done. I offered to help because I had a few days off during the week and felt like I did nothing but waste a day away. It's no surprise that I quickly fell in love with this family and adopted my way into their family. Now that I work for Scott and Mike in their orthodontics office I'm afraid I don't get to spend as much time with them as I would like to. However, when Scott and Andrea want to get away for a kid free weekend they ask me to fill in... I love it and I feel very flattered that they trust me with their most prized possessions.
This is Elliet. She's 5 going on 6 and reminds me every time I see her that I promised her a Pegasus for her birthday next month. I better get on that. She loves horses and she is an excellent artist. Check out her mad painting skills on this butterfly jewelery box for her mom's birthday. I have to say she is hands down a better artist than I am. One time she asked me what I was good at drawing when I told her I wasn't very good at drawing like her mom and her, she asked me "are you not good at drawing anything because you don't love yourself?" I have no idea where she thought that one up, but it sure got me thinking? Ahh.... the mind of and artist! :)

This is Sadie, she's 4 now and she is a ball full of energy. The last time I watched them from the time I got there Thursday night, until I put them to bed, I don't think she stopped talking. She cracks me up. She's pretty creative as well, she has 2 pair of sandals that are the same style but one is pink and one is red. She has started wearing one pink and one red one. Everyone will comment on it and she has the widest grin. She's also very expressive. She'll say "hey Jeannine, I know what we can do....." then she'll say something and follow that up with "that's a good idea." She knows how smart she is, which tends to get dangerous for me cause I'm afraid she has me wrapped around her cute little finger.

Last but not least, here is cute little Lucas. Is it any wonder why I love these kids. I mean just look at that face. After I cut his hair I said "Lucas you're so handsome" he said "yeah Jernine, I handsome." As any 4-year-old twin goes they can be quite mischievous, Lucas and Sadie are no exception. When he gets in a little trouble and I have to get after him he says "But Jernine, I sorry. I want you to be happy." By the way can you hear that sound? It's the sound of my heart melting. I can't stay mad at him. He is also, the cutest little singer and dancer. It's so cute watching him especially when he doesn't know I'm watching. What can I say I'm a smitten kitten when it comes to these 3 kids. Much thanks to Scott and Andrea for sharing them with me. (On a side not look at Sadie checking herself out in the mirror, she's soooo cute)


Andrea said...

Jeannine- LOVED this post. You are the best Aunt we could ask for. These kids love you just as much- you should see their faces light up at the sound of your name! You will forever be in our dysfunctional family. :) xoxo!

Camren and Tiffany said...

Glad to see you have a blog!! tiff