Sunday, November 30, 2008

Last, but never least...more like first...

I would never end this month without expressing thanks to my Savior. I'm so Thankful for my Church and all it teaches. I'm thankful for my Savior, and all he did for us, and for the Atonement. Without it I would be in big trouble. I'm mentioning this now, first because it has been on my mind a lot. My friend Holly, recently had a brother pass away, and while I am so sad for her and her family, I am so grateful she has the gospel and knowledge of what is to come. I know that the Spirit is a comfort to those that mourn, and I'm grateful that we have that knowledge. I want to say to Holly that my heart goes out to you and me and my family are praying for you and yours.
I know I take the church for granted sometimes, and I'm very repentant of that. I am just glad I have it in my life. That is all!


John and Heather Davis said...

Where would we be without the Atonement. EEEK!!!

It's so hard to lose the ones we love. Especially this time of year! What a comfort it must be to all that have suffered great loss to know that they will be together again.

Krista Lou Cook said...

I have also been feeling the gratitude for the gospel lately. I love how it is so instilled into our daily lives.