Sunday, April 26, 2009

No Hair Contest--PLEASE READ!

At the end of my students freshman module they have an assignment where they are suppose to do a "hair-style" without using hair. They take their "Samuel" Mannequin that they have shaved bald and create a masterpiece without the use of actual hair. The idea is to be as creative as possible. Afterward the whole school votes for their 3 favorite. Well let me tell you they took this assignment to heart. I was blown away by the creativity that I had to share with all the awesome pictures. I wish the pictures did them justice, unfortunately they don't show the actual waterfall of one and the fact that on the scuba-diver there are actual fish floating around in the head. Please leave your comments and let me know what you think. I'd love to share them with my class. My students have since advanced to juniors and now are taking clients on the clinic floor. They have made this teacher proud. Good job ladies.


Jenny said...

I think these guys are going to be very talented. They have put me to shame I do not use enough creativity in my work. Amazing stylist.

Andrea said...

HOW FUN!!! I want to do the contest! What great creativity! My faves are the cheerios, the licorice and the roses (the masterpiece, you called it). Really clever stuff. You call that work, Jernine? I think you're having too much fun...

Krista Lou Cook said...

They are all so creative and brilliant it is hard to pick a favorite. I think cheerios would be the winner for me though.

Amberlee said...

Jeannine, that is awesome, when i was in school, it was like do the work as fast as possible, what good students, I like the scuba one. Awesome work!

Wendy said...

Wow that is just amazing! I can't believe all the work they did. Real fish? I would have loved to see that in person. I love the cheerios one. They are all so creative though.

srmedley said...

They are absolutely amazing! I really like the cheerio one and the licorice is cute. What is the punk do made out of? It reminds me of one of those balls...I can't really explain them!
I really liked them all! Very impressive!