Monday, April 13, 2009

Bizarro Birthday

So this 29th birthday of mine has not started out very smooth. I was planning on going home for none and my sissy's birthday. My parents had used some of their sky miles to get me a plane ticket so I was set. However... I had a meeting Thursday night at work, and while they are only suppose to be 30 minutes this one lasted an hour and a half. As a result I missed my flight and ended up needing to purchase a new ticked for $150 on another airline. (thanks mom and dad). Believe me I was not a happy birthday girl that night in the airport, words were said and tears were shed. I just wanted to get out of vegas and wanted to immediatly. After that debacle was over with, it was smooth sailing... For awhile. But Sunday I just had to feel the need to update my iTunes and I crashed my harddrive. Enter dave the computer nerd. Right now he has my computer and is trying to fix it but we'll see. Then to top it off I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight. Yup you guessed it I missed my flight back to vegas. I got here in plenty of time but I thought my flight left at 852 when it left at 826 and I was having a personal problem that was not going to take care of itself in a quick fashion. So I get to my gate at 822 and they wouldn't let me on. Luckily they were nice and I didn't have to pay extra for a new flight. Needless to say this 29th year isn't starting out great. Hopfully that doesn't speak for the rest of the year. Next 29th birthday better be good.


Jenny said...

That sucks, I hope things are getting better.I hope you and Jess had a great b-day

Watson said...

unfortunately, the nerd couldn't fix your computer completely.

BTW Apple Sucks!