Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I have a new brother, you might not know this considering that I come from a family a family of 3 girls, but alas, I do have a new brother. He's got a ton of black hair and he's a cutie. He looks nothing like any of us...perhaps he cuter....Oh and if there was a book entitled Spoiled Rotten: How to get your parents to be puddy in your hands, he would be the author. OK so he's my parents new dog. He's a cute black lab and he is the apple of my parents eye. Okay so maybe mine as well. I didn't think the void in my heart could have been filled since our dear pooch (Ah"mutt"daus) passed, but Buddy comes close. I mean how can you not love that face.
My parents have taught him how to catch, which he loves to do, as you can tell in these pictures. While playing catch, he wants to involve everybody so he makes sure everybody gets a turn. They have also taught Buddy how to talk when prompted (he barks), to lay down and to play dead. The new thing that my Dad is trying to teach him to do is to sing. My Dad will start singing
"How much is that doggie in the window" and he tries to get buddy to bark twice...which he does but he gets so excited that when he hears my Dad start to sing then he'll bark. It brought us hours of amusement watching him and laughing at him. I can't wait until they get that little trick perfected.
I must say he sure brings so much joy to our lives. There is something that is so joyous about an animal. They just love you so much and do the funniest thing that light up your day, don't you agree? I certainly couldn't imagine life without them. I'm glad that all of our pets have found us...Buddy included.


Amberlee said...

Jeannine!!!! Yeah you finally did it, I will have to keep looking at yours, you do have my blog right???
love amberlee

Unknown said...

what up jeannine? is that really how you guys spell amadeus (ah"mutt"daus)? that is so funny. that seems like something you would have told me before. don't let it happen again! buddy is a good looking dog. you guys are lucky.