Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good Grief

Oh Charlie Brown, how I'm feelin' ya right about now. That phrase and his expression have never seemed more fitting. It just makes sense. The past few weeks have been super crazy. There was the day we had to evacuate the building at school because the Store below us got robbed and the students were a little rattled. An ambulance being called at work, students feeling stressed, and overwhelmed, and not to get too personal but feeling all to hormonal and emotional in the midst of this. MUST. CATCH. BREATH. I have to say however, I wake up every morning and enjoy going to my job. I love it. Challenges and all. Through all this craziness let's not forget that I've slept little, and it continues in my crazy, yet super real dreams. The kind that when you wake up you have to think about whether it was real or a dream. Not the kind that you're playing chess with Anderson Cooper and Peter Griffin, (yes that was one of my dreams). On more than one occasion, I was convinced that it was real. Then when I start to think about it, I realize there is no possible way that Shawn Spencer from the TV show "Psych" is in my class.... but it seemed so real.... You know what I'm talking about right? You're laughing because you relate, am I right?.... Please say yes. Anyhow what is real is I changed my hair and now it's black and purple. I call it my "hot bruise" do. So my hair is black, and I put a few purple extensions in it. (brown chicken brown cow...inside joke). It's like I'm the one in Cosmo school all over again. I love it. So that's about it for right now. I'm doing well, and I'll take every bit of the craziness, it's quite entertaining because like Michael Scott says..."There is such a thing as good grief, just ask Charlie Brown".....I'm not quite sure what that means.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My love/hate relationship(s).

As I've now been 2 weeks, Diet Coke free, I've been contemplating my love/hate relationship with that delicious, yet devious drink. I do love the stuff, but I hate the fact that I don't drink water, and that carbonation isn't very good for you. It made me think of other love/hate relationships that I have with a lot of other things.
I love/hate- my rainbow flip-flops. I love the way they make my feet feel. It's like they're giving my feet a hug. I hate that I can't wear them to work. It forces me to wear actual shoes, which I hate/hate.
I love/hate- music. I love the new, funky, indie music I find. I love the music I have for any mood I'm in. It can change, or enhance a mood, and I love it. I hate what some would call "music", country music isn't music it's whining. Hip-hop or pop music is really just a synthesizer working overtime. This is my honest, (and right) opinion. :)
I love/hate- movies. I love them because it's so fun to escape reality isn't it? Plus it is SO much fun to watch a good looking man on the big screen. Comedy, Drama, Suspense, it's all great. I hate them because a good majority of movies suck big time, and I hate when I pay $10 to see a pile of junk that I could have done better crapping out! Not to mention some of the actors get paid piles of money to pretty much phone in their lines. I can't believe some of the movies they green-light.
I love/hate- modern technology. By this I mean the following: My car, cell-phone, computer, ipod, and tivo. Man do they make my life easier, and better. I hate how dependent I am on them. My car: takes me where I need to go, but I do have to fight with traffic, and take care of maintenance, which isn't easy. What would I do without my cell-phone, I actually have a panic attack if I leave it home. I love my computer, but I sure do spend a lot of time on it which I hate. I don't know what I did without my ipod, but I hate when it crashes, or freezes up. Finally, my tivo, is amazing. Thank goodness I have it to watch all my MANY TV shows, what would I do without you. But I hate, how much TV I watch because of it. Like I said Way to dependent on these things. But thank goodness for them.
Last but not least... I love/hate- animals. They bring so much joy to us. Buddy makes me laugh like crazy, and even the roadies (Elvis and Princess Sofia) are entertaining, but I hate them because we have to add birds to this category. I HATE BIRDS. I think they're awful. I mean come on they caused a plane crash. Yet another reason to hate birds. Can everyone just agree with me now. They crap on your car, your head, your freshly cleaned windows. They're a nuisance, and I promise you people they will peck your eyes out. I'm just sayin'......

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 Here I come

I used to be a goal oriented person, I don't know what happened to me, but It's time to become that person again I so miss. I have a few goals I want to accomplish they say if you don't write down a goal, it's only a wish. So here are just a few for 2009:

1. Arrevaderci Diet Coke-y:
While I love my delicious Diet Coke, I feel that I drink way too much of it. So I've bid Adieu to it. Hopefully that will help me drink more water, and help aide my weight loss goal.
2. Guess what.. it's lose weight, I haven't been going to the gym, shame on me, so I'm going to get my you know what in gear and drop those many unwanted lbs.
3. I got a fortune from a fortune cookie on New Years Eve that said something about getting out of debt or something like that, so that's a goal this year too.
4. I have a bunch of books that I've wanted to read. So that is my goal.

Hopefully I'll do well at it. Wish me luck.

Out with the Old, In with the New!!

I must say I'm not sad to see 2008 leave. Luckily the year ended on a good note, but looking at the year with a glass half empty approach, this year sort of sucked. Between losing friend, losing a job, and just about losing my mind, yeah I'll say I'm glad it's bye bye to 2008. Here are a few things I learned, about myself mainly:

1: Most people think my music taste is as they would put it "peculiar".... and I like it. I was able to see some great concerts, and had some interesting, experiences at them. I think my top 2 would be Vampire Weekend, and Ani Difranco. Vampire Weekend was so funky and fun. I love their Musical style. The lead singer is very Geek/chic. LOVED IT. Ani was great, because she's so folksy and fun, and it was a concert I went to with my sister, we haven't been to a concert together, forever, and it was a fun bonding moment.
2. My name is much better when you pronounce it "Jernine". It's even better when a sentence starts..."But Jernine, I just want to be friends" ADORABLE.
3. Blue mascara makes my blue eyes pop. Such a great trick I learned. Nobody notices that I'm wearing blue mascara but they always mention how blue my eyes are. The secret is out.
4. For some reason, I only like writing in Sharpie markers. I don't know why, I just like it
5. Hawaii is heaven on earth. I'm so grateful that I was able to go there last Feb. with my Family. It was amazing, and I'll be honest that was probably the happiest moment of 2008. Sad huh.
6. The following TV shows are AWESOME (I'm singing that, that means it's important): How I met your Mother, The New Adventures of Old Christine, The Mentalist and The Soup. Now there are many other TV shows that are awesome, these are just ones that I've discovered this year, with the exception of The Soup. I just saw Joel Mchale live, and it reconfirmed to me, that everyone needs to be watching this show. Do yourself a favor people.
7. You're nothing without your family/good friends. I'm so lucky to have an amazing family to help me through hard times, and I really learned who my true friends are as well. Thank goodness for them both.
8. It is so difficult to transition from a singles ward, to a family ward. I didn't think I'd have as hard of a time with it. But it has been so tough. Luckily I know that the Gospel is true, and the ward isn't the most important so it will fall into place, sooner or later. (Hopefully sooner)

These are in no particular order of importance, They're just what came to me at 1:00 in the morning, when I can't sleep. (Somethings never change). Anyway I'll I have to say is 2008.... Buh Bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Chaos

It's been so awesome to come up to Utah to spend time with my family, this Christmas break has been great. I love the feeling of Christmas and all that it represents. The thing is that part of the feeling up in Utah is the lack of feeling of my toes. It has been super cold. On Christmas day it dumped snow like you wouldn't believe. There was slightly, (and by slightly I mean a bunch) more than we got in Vegas. It's been hilarious watching our Buddy playing in the snow.... through the window, from the warmth of the house. When the whole family gets together, with Jessica's dog Brody, it's so fun to watch the 2 dogs play. They're so cute. I could (and did) watch them for hours. We also were able to get together with extended family and see the Grandparents and cousins. I love being able to spend time with my family, and all I seemed to do was sleep, and watch movies. I guess I just save up my sleep from Vegas and take care of it up here. I was able to spend some time with my niece Kaycee. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, and was able to spend it with loved ones. I hope you all got what you wanted from Santa. But more importantly I hope you all reflected on the true meaning of CHRISTmas! Here is a fun video of Buddy and Brody having fun, and some of the fun moments of my week! Enjoy!!!