Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Chaos

It's been so awesome to come up to Utah to spend time with my family, this Christmas break has been great. I love the feeling of Christmas and all that it represents. The thing is that part of the feeling up in Utah is the lack of feeling of my toes. It has been super cold. On Christmas day it dumped snow like you wouldn't believe. There was slightly, (and by slightly I mean a bunch) more than we got in Vegas. It's been hilarious watching our Buddy playing in the snow.... through the window, from the warmth of the house. When the whole family gets together, with Jessica's dog Brody, it's so fun to watch the 2 dogs play. They're so cute. I could (and did) watch them for hours. We also were able to get together with extended family and see the Grandparents and cousins. I love being able to spend time with my family, and all I seemed to do was sleep, and watch movies. I guess I just save up my sleep from Vegas and take care of it up here. I was able to spend some time with my niece Kaycee. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, and was able to spend it with loved ones. I hope you all got what you wanted from Santa. But more importantly I hope you all reflected on the true meaning of CHRISTmas! Here is a fun video of Buddy and Brody having fun, and some of the fun moments of my week! Enjoy!!!


Krista Lou Cook said...

I also love being around family. My Christmas started of awkward with the family I live with, then I went to work. yah! :)

John and Heather Davis said...

What I love the most about your video is you laughing in the background!! lol
P.S. I got my hair done and I cant wait for you to see it!!!