Monday, July 7, 2008

Elvis & Princess Sofia?

Where do I begin? So in may when I was watching my favorite kids, I took them to a trip to the pet store, just to look at the cute puppies and much to my surprise we left with a cute little female hamster. We talked about what we were going to name this little girl and decided on Princess Sofia. I didn't realize at the time that a 5-year-old, and 2 4-year-olds, would have a hard time letting her go. I had planned on keeping her at my house, but after talking to Andrea, she said they'd give it a try. So they had her a little over a month, and even though we made a list of rules for the little girl kids will be kids, and they were a little rough.
In the meantime, I became a little attached and decided it was time for me to get a little furry friend, so I picked up Little Elvis, 2 days before I was asked to hamster sit Princess Sofia while the Leavers went out of town. I found out shortly after that it would be a permanent thing. I guess Sadie got to excited with Princess Sofia and the end result was Princess Sofia being thrown against the door and getting a bloody nose, and a serious case of the dizzies. So in 2 days I went from having no pets to 2 pets. That's not the most shocking part however....I found out I was deceived at the Pet store and Princess Sofia is in fact...a dude. Now what?
Luckily I can put the 2 guys in the same cage, and there will be no reproduction, and they are "fweinds", but the pickle I find myself in, is do I keep the name Princess Sofia? Give me some feedback.
Oh and while I'm a much bigger fan of Skinny Elvis, I'm afraid I've got myself a fat Elvis. He's twice the size of Princess Sofia, and quite the lazy thing. All he needs now is a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Give me your insight on the whole name change. I'd hate to have a hamster with gender issues.

(Elvis doing what he does best..eating) (Princess Sofia getting her drink on)


Kristine Yuhas said...

What's in a name? Princess Sophia is already "a little special". Imagine the mass confussion if you change her name. She has already been handled rough, than told she's a he... sounds alot like an after school special to me. My daughter has a male name, will she be confussed? I say he stays Princess Sophia!

Jen said...

I agree with Kristine. Princess Sophia will always be princess sophia! She/he would just be that much more confused if you changed his/her name again!!! Leave the name alone and everyone will be happy! :)

Unknown said...

in response to kristine's is a unisex name. princess sophia, however, is strictly a chick name. i don't know about you, but for me i would change it to something manly like gus. if he grows up liking dudes, you don't want him to blame it all on his name, do you?!?