Friday, July 18, 2008

Now this is gross (Not for weak stomach's)

WARNING: This is a little "hairy"
I came across this awhile ago, and it still shocks me. But this 18-year-old girl was complaining of stomach pains, abdominal swelling, and throwing up after eating resulting in a 40 lb. weight loss, after about 5 months of this, doctors went exploring and discovered a huge mass taking up almost her whole stomach.. What was it you ask?.......A TEN POUND HAIR BALL. You read that right! This girl had a condition called trichophagia; it's when you eat your own hair. This big hairball is the result of 18 years of eating hair. Now I don't eat hair but I often wonder how much hair I've ingested over the years of working in a salon. This picture makes me wonder what's brewing inside me, but as a hairstylist I beg and plead with you all not to do this. The weight loss isn't worth it I promise you that. Feel free to post your comments below!

1 comment:

Brammer Family said...

That is just flippin' nasty!