Monday, August 18, 2008

Twilight Nonsense

I'm on my soapbox one more time, and I need to get this off my chest. I think in all the blogs I read a good 85% of them talk about how they're obsessed with the Twilight series. Well let me give you my opinion. Please keep in mind this is MY opinion, and it's my blog so that's that. I guess I'm not really into it. I'm not a fan of Edward, I think he's controlling and overprotective. I'm not a fan of Bella, I think she's whiny and needy. (Yes I'm aware she's a teenager and that's how they are). I guess I would be a fan of Jacob. Hello who would want to cuddle with someone cold? Then again, I'm not a big fan of Jacob either.
That being said, I will say this. Stephenie Meyer is a great story teller. I will give her props for that. They are fun stories. I'm just not a fan of the leading characters, but she sure knows how to paint a picture.
Before you leave a scathing remark to me, remember it is my opinion, and I'm not saying anyone who is a huge fan is lame. I've been to the midnight show of Harry Potter 4 out of the 5 movies, and can't even count the number of times I read the books. I can embrace my inner geek. This just isn't my bag. That's all I have to say about that


Brammer Family said...

Ah, you make me laugh Jeannine! With theses books you either hate em' or love em'!

I'm lovin' them! But I do understand your point of view! :)

Andrea said...

Well, I am glad you are sharing your opinion on your blog because guess what: you can! And I agree with a lot of it. Still am shameless in enjoying myself maybe a little too much in the teen romance of it all, but this is my mantra: BELLA BUGS! She is so annoying and I don't see what makes her fascinating. Who cares if he can't read her thoughts? She offers no personality! She's not positive, fun, caring, creative, ambitious, anything! Just a big, whiney dud.
And I hear these books/Stephenie Meyer are praised to be the 'next Harry Potter/J.K. Rowling'. I way disagree with that. Potter is above and beyond these, so Go! in your Harry Potter adoration. It's well placed!
(Hope you are feeling well!!!xoxox)

Jenny said...

I really enjoyed the books but I agree with your thoughts on Edward. I Love Jacob. I think he is funny. That is what I want in a guy someone warm and funny. I would much rather snuggle up to a dog than a rock.

Kiana Hayden said...

Great minds think alike. I don't understand the big hype about it. NOTHING happened until chapter 21 and it was over by 23. I compare it to the American Idol watch 2 hours of nothing to find out the results in 30 seconds. So glad we're on the same page. {no pun intended}

Kristine Yuhas said...

Amen, I myself would rather have a dog than a pet rock....