Thursday, August 14, 2008

Spoil Me!!!

So I'm going to step on my soapbox for a second, and let you all in on a little secret about me, (or not so secret) I. LOVE. SPOILERS. I can't help it I do. When I read an article in a magazine or on one of my favorite websites,and I see those two words in all caps (you know ***SPOILER ALERT***) I get a little smile on my face and all tingly inside. What can I say I'm a need to know girl. Here's the thing... there is nothing wrong with that. People constantly are telling me I need to stop doing that, and asking me why I would want to read them; so I will explain. The ironic thing is I have to start my explanation off with a large **SPOILER ALERT**: I can't tell you how upset I was when I'm watching 24 excited that Tony came out of his coma and then all of a sudden he's dead. It was like a bop in the nose! I was angry, I had no warning and was not prepared for that horrible scene, from then on I needed a little warning. I tend to get into shows quite a bit and I'm super bugged if things zig when I'm expecting a zag. Sometimes I need to be warned, for instance on a reality show when I don't like someone I want to know if they're going home, that way if they are then good and I can enjoy the episode that much more, and if they aren't at least I'm warned. Here's the thing, I'm just as surprised when I read the spoiler alert so I still get that Oh My Gosh moment. The funny thing is when I tell people I know what's going to happen they say don't tell me, but then proceed to ask questions like am I going to be happy, is it something I'm going to be expecting, etc. etc. People, don't do that.. don't give me a hard time for reading spoilers and then proceed to ask questions about's very contradictory.
Now I realize there are downsides to this, sometimes even after reading spoilers I'm still disappointed, and sometimes it is fun to be in on the surprise. I was amazed at the end of The Sixth Sense when we find out that Bruce Willis was dead all along, but If I can find out who is getting nominated on Big Brother early, I'm not upset if I miss it, because I'm still in the know.
For those of you that don't like spoilers I understand, but don't get after me, I like to read my spoilers, it's not like I'm spoiling anything for you. We can still co-exist in harmony. So please, let me be. ***SPOILER ALERT***? YES PLEASE!!!!

1 comment:

Laci said...

well, ariel did not call. and how are you doing? i always think i want to know then i end up not wanting to find out. i like the suprise i guess.