Monday, September 8, 2008


So I finally finished the 3rd book from Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse. It only took me a month and a half. It was okay, but I was so ready to be done with it already...What's that Bella, you going to whine some more?....SHOCKER!!!! I have to say, knowing I'm going to have a bit of backlash, that I'm more convinced now that Jacob's the right one for her. I know what's going to happen. (see. Spoil Me!!!...I read spoilers) So why bother reading the last book. What to do; what to do? Oh well, maybe after I read a few other books, I'll be ready for the 4Th one. In the meantime, I'll read a book that the narrator doesn't make me want to scratch my eyes out.


Jenny said...

I still like Jacob too. I think you either liked the books or hated them that is how most people seem. Hey next time you come up give me a call it has been forever. I am glad my Jentrey is not the only kid obsesed by boobs.

Kristine Yuhas said...

Nice. I must say I am glad the series is complete. We can now move on and start to read other books... hint, hint crazy Twilight fans. There is life after Twilight.

Kiana Hayden said...

book 1-3 were 4 is a little better. If you don't want to waste time reading the 4th, I've got it on tape.