Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tag...I'm it...but not for long!

The rules are you have to take 10 pictures of the following things and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose. Then you tag five others. Oh, and P. to the S. Thanks a lot Laura!!! :)

1. Closet

I didn't do any straightening but that doesn't mean I didn't crop the crap out of the photo!

2. Laundry Room

3. Refrigerator

I think some of the food in there is mine, but I can't be certain.

4. Kitchen Sink

5. Favorite Room

I should explain. I don't really have a favorite room in my house. Even my room sometimes feels like a prison cell. But I do love being in my car.

6. What My Kids are doing right now.

This was a rare time that Elvis and Princess Sophia were awake during the day, and doing a little exercising.

7. Toilet

Like Laura, this is the guest toilet. I haven't been home, so I don't know what happened in there.

8. Favorite Shoes

Okay, I'm being a little creative again, but if it was up to me, I'd be barefoot all the time. No shoes necessary!

9. Self-photo

Okay I admit, I did put on a little lip gloss.

10. Dream Vacation

Just because I've been to Maui, doesn't mean it's not my dream vacation, because it seems, like it was a dream, that I ever went there, and when someone says sweet dreams, that's what I dream about...aaahhhh!

Now I tag: Kristine, Laci, Jenny, Tiffany, and Amberlee. Happy tagging!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Very cute! I know you hate those things so Im glad you did it! You learn a lot about someone by those I had no clue you had hampsters!!