Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kids say the cutest things

While I was watching the kids this week, I couldn't stop laughing at the funny things they were saying. I probably shouldn't have been laughing, but they would totally say things out of left field, things I wouldn't even expect them to say and by instinct I just laughed. This wasn't good when Lucas thought I was making fun of him. It's hard to explain to a 4-year-old that you aren't making fun of him, you just think he's funny. I wanted to write a few things down so I wouldn't forget.

It all started when Lucas said to me "Jernine how about you drive faster" Now in his defense I was going 50 in a 55 zone, but in my defense there was a lot of traffic. Then Lucas told me I needed to see the Halloween decorations because they were so Be-wootiful. Obviously he's Andrea's kid because all of them LOOOVVVE Halloween. (By the way this is his pose when I asked him to open his eyes...)

This picture was also taken when I asked Sadie to open her eyes. It was opposite day I suppose. Notice her outfit. Friday she changed her clothes about 5 times, when I asked her about it she said "I need to wear theses clothes because I haven't worn them in awhile." Also she said to me "Jeannine remember when I got a bloody nose and I wasn't very scared but you were?" Umm... Yeah Sadie, I remember, I won't be forgetting that any time soon. I guess I didn't act as cool and collected as I thought I did.

I had to post this picture of Elliet...oh excuse me "Ellie" because whether she means to be or not this chick is HILARIOUS. I couldn't stop laughing at some of the things she said. Where do I begin. While watching a movie, someone on the movie said fat, Elliet responded to no one in particular "You should say thick, because thick means fat" I started laughing. The funniest thing is she had asked her Mom what thick meant, and Andrea was showing the difference of thick and thin with the size of books. So she is learning. Later that night, as she was playing on the couch she groaned and said "Scott didn't put his shoes away" I said Who? and she said "Scott" I said "And who is Scott?" She said "Daddy" I said "OK, so what do we call him?" and she said "Well his name is Scott isn't it?" That my friends is me being schooled by a 6-year-old TOUCHE'

1 comment:

Andrea said...

oh boy.... always so funny.... I love reading your words because it sounds just like you talking and you, my dear, are hilarious, too!