Friday, October 3, 2008

My unlucky luck

So if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Amid trying to find out if I have this new job, which they keep saying they've made no decision yet; (Is that a bad sign???); moving houses, (which is no fun.... ever); and trying to get my life on firm footing; my computer has now decided to wage war on me! I haven't been able to get on the Internet for....oh.....ever! Right now I'm using my brother-in-law's computer while he's trying to fix mine! Aahhh my knight in shining armor. Anyhow, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get Internet access; which totally sucks because I really can't afford a new computer right now! So don't think I've dropped off the face of the earth. I'm just in the dark ages for the time being. Oh and if you see a leprechaun do you mind sending him my way. I can use all the luck I can get!


Krista Lou Cook said...

So sorry for your unluckiness, I have to say that I absolutely understand! The other day I actually looked for a 4 leaf clover, just in case it worked!

Brammer Family said...

Oh that sucks. I go mad when our internet is down. It's my outlet to the outside world.

Hope it gets up and runnin' soon! :)