Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

Tonight was a very happy night for me. As you can tell my long awaited and very beloved 24 was back with a 2 hour movie event. For those of you who live in a hole, 24 is (let me make sure I give this enough enthusiasm) THE BEST TV SHOW EVER, and all of you NEED to watch it. Since they had such a long hiatus, and weren't on last year due to the writers strike (I know.. LONGEST. DROUGHT. EVER), they did a movie event to bring us up to date, as to what our hero Jack has been doing since last season, and tie in what the next season will be about. I'm so stoked I can't even begin to describe. Sometimes I play a little game while watching. It's like a drinking game without drinking. So because of that I want to give a run down of the numbers, and give my views on the next season.

16- The number of people Jack killed. Some were at his own hand, and some he set up. But that's pretty good for a 2 hour event
2- Number of torture scenes. It wouldn't be 24 without them.
2- Number of times Jack said Dammit. I know, I'm shocked. Unless it happened more and I'm totally immune to it. But that was in the last 15 minutes as well. I think his new word of choice is Son of a B****, which is all good, because that's my panic word (or phrase) of choice as well. We're kindred.
1- The number of smarmy old men that I'm going to love to hate. Jon Voight, I'm going to love loathing you. I'll give a 1/2 to Powers Boothe the outgoing President, who I've never really liked.
Best line of the night goes to Jack when he said to the wimpy UN guy "Save your helmet for the Parade do you have a gun or not." I love you Jack

Things I learned:
1- I'm liking the Woman Pres. I think she'll be a good addition to the new season. Plus her last name is Taylor and that's just awesome.
2- All kick but men have the initials JB- Jack Bauer, James Bond, Jason Bourne. I don't think they did that by accident. Now I need to find me a man whose last name starts with B..... oh Jack...Where are you.
3- Watching 24 is just as big of a workout as going to the gym. My heart rate was up the whole time.
4- I loved Benton, and wish we would have had some more of him.. (I can't remember what his first name is..)

Bottom line, I'm so excited for Jan. 11, 2009. I'll be glued to my TV (like I need an excuse right)


Tara said...

Ha Ha. You make me laugh. Glad you enjoyed the movie. You are allowed to blog stalk my blog ok!! =>

Jen said...

HELLO!! What about Tony? He was looking very HOT!!!