Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I can't believe it's nearly the end of the month. Hopefully I won't start having my Christmas panic.... who am I kidding, I will. But here are a few thanks:

1: The rain. Even though I am totally loving the nice weather in Nov. I'm loving it that it's raining right now. It just doesn't rain that much here, so when it does it's kind of nice. Plus I love the smell of rain.
2: Online check in. Now I don't have to check in at the airport, I can forgo all those lines. Yay!
3: This is a little nostalgic but yesterday I hit my 10 year mark of being home from my mission. That is crazy. Even though my mission seems like a lifetime ago, I am so thankful for it. It has made me the person I am. So I'm so thankful for that.
4: Precious sleep. Anyone who knows me knows that this sure doesn't come easy for me. But last night I had such an awesome night of sleep and I didn't wake up once. Which in and of its self is an accomplishment.

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