Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Thanks today

Here is my few things today:
1: Theraflu. My body is trying to come down with a cold, and I don't want it to, so yay for theraflu. I took some and now I'll be able to sleep so cozy. Even though I LITERALLY gag it down and have to give myself pep-talks to drink it. It sure does wonders
2: I'm so THANKFUL I'm done with school. My students started today, and it sure brings back memories. I'm soooo excited for them, but it makes me so glad that that is behind me. I can't wait to teach them all the good stuff.
3: I'm thankful for MY students. They all seem so glad to be there and so excited, It makes me so excited. Isn't enthusiasm contagious?

1 comment:

The Hodges said...

I love the blessings of modern medicine, however, I feel your pain when it comes to the pep talks and gaging. But the sweet release that comes when you're finally able to sleep is worth it. Hope you feel better soon!