Sunday, November 16, 2008

Enough of the negative. More positive stuff

Okay, I feel better after stepping on my soapbox, but now back to my thanks!
Here are the things I'm thankful for:
1: My AMAZING Grandparents:

They are 2 of the most supportive, loving people I know. I had a good talk with my Grandma the other day. Albeit very short. She isn't much of a phone person. But she really wanted to know how my my new job was and was so excited for me. I really do appreciate it. They've raised great posterity. Now I no they don't read this, but Grandma and Grandpa your Jeanniney-bug loves you very much
2: The Leavers, and these little kids of theirs:

How could you not love these faces? Lucas didn't really want his picture taken, and Sadie was really into the show they were watching, but I love spending time with these kids. This is totally self-centered, but they totally boost my ego. They are always so excited to see me. Andrea informed me that they said, "Mommy, can you go away for like 4 days so Jeannine can come over." I'm sure it made Andrea feel bad, but it made me so happy. I watched them last night, and they asked me if I was going to be here when they woke up. They were very disappointed when I said no.

They always make me laugh. I walked into the room and saw Lucas like this. He was just wearing the bunny ears, his soccer uniform, and watching Madagascar. I had to take a picture of him. I love trying to reason with them. Admittedly it can be a bit frustrating, but the following conversation explains why it's so funny.
Lucas: "Jernine, Sadie just hit me"
Me: "Sadie come here"
Sadie does not come........ 30 seconds later
Sadie: "Jeannine, Elliet just hit me in the neck"
Me: "Sadie, do you know what Karma is?"
Sadie: "Yes"
Me: "What is it"
Sadie: "A mouse"
Me: "No Sadie, karma is not a mouse"
Sadie: "Who's Karma then?"
Me: "Karma is when you do something bad to someone, then something bad will happen to you. Remember when you hit Lucas?"
Sadie: "Yes"
Me: "Well you hit Lucas, then Elliet hit you. Do you feel bad you hit Lucas?"
Sadie: "No"
Me: "Well maybe that's why Elliet hit you then. How about nobody hit anybody else?"
Sadie: "Okay, but what about the mouse?"

I'm not sure if Sadie will take anything from that conversation except to think that Jeannine is trying to teach me lesson's about mice.
P.S. I have no idea if there is a mouse named Karma, but if there is, It really ruined a teaching moment for me. Hmmm... Is that my Karma?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh boy- so funny!!!! We love you!