Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Danke Schoen

Things to give thanks for:

1: A few days off. I feel like I've been working ragged, and while I'm loving every minute I'll be glad to get a few days off. It will be nice not having to turn on an alarm clock
2: Text messaging/voice mail. I swear if it weren't for these things I'd never keep in touch with my friends or family
3: Facebook. This is in an entirely different category because, not only do I reconnect with old friends, but it's a fun time waster too.... I'm a geek.
4: Living comforts. I don't know how they did it in the olden days, but there is nothing better than listening to my ipod, while I look on my laptop, in between watching TV shows I've had recorded on my TV, all while laying on my bed. I couldn't do the whole, lighting a fire for warmth, and a candle for light, etc. etc.
5: Peppermint ice cream. No need to elaborate. I love this time of the year for that reason.

1 comment:

Laci said...

your everyday thanks inspires me to be more positive. i need to work on that!!