Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun with Kaycee

It's so awesome being home to spend time with my family for the holiday. One thing that has be extra special is that my FAVORITE niece is here for the holiday. I can't believe how big she has gotten since I saw her in the summer. She also has the cutest new haircut. Plus this chick cracks me up. She tends to burp in such a way that it would impress anyone. Well at Thanksgiving dinner she burped, loud I might add and I couldn't help it I started laughing, then she burped again and said "ooh, I need to learn to close my mouth," well I completely lost it. I know I shouldn't laugh because that promotes bad behavior, but this is why I don't have children, and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Anyhow, I'd do just about anything for her. Case in point I went to "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" with her... did I mention it was in 3-D. Yeah she has me wrapped around her finger. So when Jessica told me that she was taking her to "High School Musical 3" and asked me if I wanted to go, I thought to myself, do I want to see the movie NO!!!!! But do I want to spend time with my sister, niece, and mom...well yeah, so I agreed to go. It was no easy feat either, one theater it was sold out, the other the sound was bad so they weren't showing it, and the third one was not until later, but Kaycee was all set to watch it, decked out in her HSM shirt and all. So we went to the later show. Well she was so happy. The whole time we were watching it she had the cheesiest smile on her face. It was good just seeing her so happy. I'm glad I could be a great aunt to her. High School Musical, was sooo cheesy, and definitely not my demographic, did I like the show? No! But... confession, I enjoyed it more than "Twilight." In fact, I would go see HSM again before Twilight. Bottom line, I did NOT like "Twilight at all. But I am SOOOO thankful for my niece Kaycee!

1 comment:

John and Heather Davis said...

WooHoo!! I'm am soo happy that you were able to make it to Utah and be with your family on Thanksgiving. I love the burp story lol! You need to share that one in class!